So, where did I get to?
Friday we went to a big museum I've currently forgotten the name of. Followed by a bit of shopping in the Market area then back to the real shops and then a last fair-well meal.
It's been jam packed learning all week. However what I've retained after all of it is how to say hello (knee-how) and thank you (shey shey) as well as bits of history about concubines and being buried alive and whatnot
The final meal doubled up as a birthday meal for American Mike as Chinese Michael had ordered him a birthday cake and I sorted out a makeshift birthday card (the real kind doesn't exist on china).
We feasted like kings again but this time we pushed the boat out.
I tried a couple of things you'd all be amazed at! I ate fish, shrimp and bullfrog!!
Check me out! None of it was even bad but I did get a mouth full of bone on my second frog piece so that quickly ended that game.
After dinner we loaded up on 30p beers and headed down to the Pund/ massive river. Like southbank but better scenery and no 'entertainers'. In fact, probably more like looking across at NYC across the Hudson.
Once they'd turned out lights we headed back to the hotel.
(The other night when we were drinking in the street it had to be abandoned as the street cleaners came out with massive hoses. Liz found a mop and decided to help out, which was very amusing for us but less so to them.)
The party carried on in michael's room and we had a good laugh at our favourite moments and the awful pictures we collectively gathered of each other. Me and Lisa are easily the least photogenic of the bunch.
Tim's 3rd bunk drunk photo is a close rival though.
Spent Saturday people watching by the river with Tim, Lisa and Kaelan before they b*****ed off to Oz.
Tim & I had our most expensive dinner of the week-£5 each! Shock horror. Haha it was good though.
Then we wandered aimlessly but looking like we totally knew where we were going. It kinda worked. We got pretty close to our new hotel.
And that brings us more or less to right now. Sitting in airport 1/3 to get me to Vietnam in time for tomorrows tour!
Those 4 extra days I have on Thailand are clearly going to be used to catch up on sleep!
Bryan doesn't know it yet but he's going to have so much washing to do when I get to Melbourne!!
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