Hi Everyone
Well since our last entry we left Las Vegas $300 up, or thereabouts, we did well the second night in Vegas on the roulette again. Number 35 what a beauty. So we left Las Vegas Sunday 29th and drove to the Grand Canyon.
We got to the Grand Canyon at about 4pm and went straight away to the Canyon edge to say some amazing pictures as the sun was setting. We set up camp and it was freezing!! Nice sunny day but absolutely freezing at night. The second day we had to ourselves and we just walked what is called the Rim Trail which went round the 'rim' of the Canyon this was a nice light walk with some cool views. We all went bowling in the evening in the local town becuase it was so cold around the camp site.
We've driven back to Las Vegas today to spend Halloween here - it is such a big thing in USA. We've both got costumes - Ant is a Gangster and i've got a witch costume. It's much warmer here in Las Vegas - this afternoon me and Ant were in the pool and sunbathing.
Tomorrow we've got a long drive to San Diego which is supposed to be lovely and warm and we're camping on the beach - it will be what our tour leader calls Cadillac Camping.
Speak soon
Nic & Ant xx
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