Day 99, 11 October 2012, Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda... Didn't - Nothing like a great walking tour to tire us out... and the weight of plans yet to be made hung over our heads, so today we lounged around the apartment (pictured is the view to the beach), listened to the rhythm of the falling rain.... and worked like crazy to plan for about 2 weeks from now when we had tentatively scheduled a trip from France to Ireland prior to reaching London in early November. What a day. "Travel Agents are Us"! For a rest day it was downright exhausting... Things accomplished: Flight from Paris to Cork, Ireland late October, 5 nights accommodation at different spots and 3 nights in Dublin. Rental car for the duration and "RailSail" ticket from Dublin back to London after 8 night stay in Ireland. Investigated Heritage Card to avoid going broke paying entry fees to all those Castles and Rocks and what not. Booked hotel in central London to lurk in ( between return from Christmas Markets cruise in Europe and departing to French Alps for Chrissie at Club Med for a week. Train trip from French Alps back to Paris and Eurostar to London, end December (only just become available to book online). Booked sleeper train to the Scottish Highlands for the first week of the new year... (next Home for Exchange adventure in a wee apartment on the shores of a Loch in the Isle of Skye). Repeatedly tried another booking on the French railways website but it stopped being helpful after one purchase. Gave up in frustration. Written down like that, it doesn't look like a huge achievement, but it took most of the day planning our route around Ireland, looking at different accommodation options and keeping the cost of the car and accommodation as low as possible each day. Can´t wait to share our adventures and to report on the accommodations along the way... will they or won´t they even vaguely resemble the pictures on line.... Tomorrow we will be up and at 'em once more. Planning to do a free walking tour featuring Gaudi´s most fabulous buildings tomorrow.
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