Day 103, 15 October 2012, The Paris Pass - she begins - Louvre, Paris Story, Fragonard Perfume Museum, Grevin Wax Museum, Arcades, Seine Cruise & Eiffel Tower - We purchased a six day Paris Pass about 6 months ago when we were still in Sydney. The challenge is to use it to see as much of Paris as we can whilst ensuring we get at least €60 per day value from the passes. Here goes. First off we went to the Louvre and spent about 5 hours absorbing gallery after gallery of the greats. Monet is an old favourite and we discovered new artists as well, Vernet, Ingres and Corot. We did the mandatory visit to the Mona Lisa and all our skills at inveigling ourselves through crowds paid off and we were at the front of the scrum in no time. Her eyes do follow you. It's a great painting. Moving right along. We spent another hour or so in the fabulous Object d'Arts wing and the lushness and expense of the Napoleonic apartments were mind blowing. As were the crown jewels. After the Louvre we went to see Paris Story - 2000 years of Paris condensed to a one hour movie. Efficient, Efficient. Off to Fragonard's perfume museum just across the road. Sniff Sniff. All good. Then down to Boulevard Montmartre for a visit to the Grevin Wax Museum. There is a mirror and light show right at the beginning that takes you from Africa to the Amazon to a thunder storm in about 10 amazing minutes. Quite possibly the highlight of the visit, though we had a huge time posing with the famous folks. From the Grevin we explored the shopping arcades of Paris including the Panoramas and the Joufrey. Sigh... Chinese for dinner and it was soooo good. Then back on the metro like the seasoned Parisiens were now are and off to Trocadero for our views of the Eiffel tower by night. Wow. Seriously, I squealed with happiness when we turned the corner and there she was, 1000 feet of genius designed by bridge-builder Monsieur Eiffel. We headed towards Bateaux Parisiens for the 8 pm cruise along the Seine. Our free walking tour fellow recommended the 8 pm because that's when the Tower starts it's sparkling thing. For 5 minutes on the hour every hour all the lights on it sparkle like diamonds. And they did (easily 500 people on the boat in the end and quite a few others who didn't make that sailing were left on the wharf). Freezing cold but rugged up in the hats, gloves and jumpers we've carried for more than 3 months. We sat up the back and enjoyed the city of lights - from the Eiffel Tower up around Ile de Cite then looping back around Ile de Louis and back to the wharf an hour later to enjoy the 9 pm sparkly show. Of course the night hadn't quite ended - back on the metro where we encountered Parisians supporting the arts once more. A busker set up with guitar and hat stood between two carriages and serenaded everyone with the Eagles and a great many other hits. The 20 minute ride home passed super quick and it was straight to bed. Someone said to us you shouldn't sleep in Paris, just go 24 hours a day because sleeping is costing you money. We get it, we really do, but the funeral is going to cost more if we don't get some rest. Total value in entries and activities today.... €130 odd. Paris Pass is paying for itself already. Onto Les Cars Rouges tomorrow... That's the big red tourist buses. Yay. "Rest Day"!
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