I have finally made it to this island after 36 hours of travelling, the party better be worth it!! I managed to convince Morgan to come with to so at least I didn;t have to travel for hours on my own. We were on the most uncomfortable train for 12 hours trying to sleep in horrible little seats. Then had to bargain with hundreds of touts to try and get to the island. I washaggling loads and refusing prices so we ended up having a goup of about 10 people following us to get the best deal!!
We got a bus to the town and then had to bok a bus and bopat combo to the island which we got for 3 piun. Then we had to wait around in this crappy little town for 3 hours until our bus came, then had 1 hour on the bus and 3 hours on a boat.
When we got there Wayne said he had booked us a room where he was staying but it took us ages to get there and then it was just a horrible little shack on the beach so we were gutted. I refused to sleep there and we wandered around in the dark until we found a nice place next door with a pool which looked too expensive for us but ended up being only about 20p extra for us!
The owner made us join him with his friends while we ate pur dinner and then we went to bed at about 9pm and slept until 10am today!! We are nowhere near anything where Wayne has made us stay so we decided to try and hitchhike to the main beach so I could get a new bikini. We ended up walking apong in the boiling hot sun for about an hour and eventually a really nice thai guy gave us a lift so we saved ourselves some money!! :-)
Its really cool at Hat Rin, its where the party is tonight and all the bars have friends episodes on so I'm loving it!! Just had a smootie and am planning on having a jacket potato tonight because I am craving them soo badly!!
We're going home in a bit to get all dolled up for tonight. BUCKETS!! Hope you all have your bucklets ready. Have fun at the old thatched and HAPPY BIRTHDAY PANICOS! We're leaving here 2moro if we're not too hungover for Phi Phi which is supposed to be a total paradise island!
Miss you all xxxx
P.s. there is no chance of uploading pics for a while because thai computers are sooooo slow xxx
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