Helloooo to all my readers! (haha)
Firstly would ike to explain my increasing use of z in my last blog this was not to give an 'eastern.central' european feel tothe entry but the slovenian keyboard has the letters in a different places and was too much like hard work to correct it. (Dad your message made me and lisa laugh!!)
OKies so.... We left Bovec at the crack of dawn for a 4 hours coach journey to ljulbjana where we spent the day sight seeing. On route we stoped off at a beautiful little village, another 'classic' slovenian example with traingular mutli-coulred and wooden houses.
We passed through bled! ( lisa feels this was important to mention!)
Arriving in ljubljana we walked around for an interent cafe butapprently the internet int he whole of the capital of slovenia was down!! shocking!! During our wonder in search of the internet we stumbled upon the centre with its impresive three bridges and big pink church. Here we disocvered ljubljana's very own weather as they called it, which was basically a sprinkler on a wire very high up near the church but being the niave creatures that we were at first genuienly believed it was raining in just this one spot! hehe
After wondering around the centre along the river through the market we decided to make the trek upto the castle. The views on the approach were impressive and we aere able to see across the whole of the city, admmiring both the new and the older buidlings. Once at the top we expored the castle and went up the tower, here the views got even better! ( not quite the same as when we were paragliding- but i guess you can't have it all!!) Also while att he castles we must have watched at least 3 different wedding parties each brides dress becoming more and more umm ... interesting, to the point that the last one was in a pink flamingo dance style- strange!
Our train to Venice was not until 2 in the morning so we decided to pass the rest of the day eating and drinkng the local food. At our stop for lunch we had wild mushroom soup in a bread roll, which reminded me of my trip to warsaw two years ago :) here we also ate cakes which were apprently 'local' the literal english translation of mine was cottage cheese rolls and a sweet sauce- it was much better than it sounds. Lisa went for a mountain of nuts, seeds and pastry glued together with a sort of strudel feeling- unforntuately she was defeated by this. Sitting outside the cafe we had a perfect view of the magnicient magistrates building.
However at late in the afternoon our train suddenyl felt like an awfully long time away and as girls we did what we do best.... shopping!!!
After our long shopping spree in H & M (don't worry parents i didn't go too mad-stil all fits in my bag! haha!!) We sat by the river and had a couple of cocktails and listened to a saxapohinst and pianist After there performance had finsihed a wind quartet was heard in the distance as they travelled down the river to serenade us while we drank and chatted and of course soacked up the atmosphere.
2 o'clock soon came round and we board a very busy train and caught up with our friend Will who we had met in Budapest.
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