And the travelling continues..
Arriving in Venice at around 7 in the morning first port of call was to find somewhere for the 3 of us to stay, after about an hour ofsearching we found a little hotel located close to the train station and near to the sounds and sites of Venice.
On first impressions the city was much more beautiful than I had imagined, I had heard some somewhat negative reports so had kept my expectations low. Yes some of the building are falling into disrepeair but it does not take much imagination to picture the former glory. The tight network of streets and canals was a maze to use until we invested in a map ( a very good buy!!) However we felt that with on one day in the city the best way to appreicated this magnicient city was by gondola. The gondola itself was very pretty decorated in a regal style, we felt likt royaly perched on the little seats. However after just a few moments the rocking of the boat made the sweets i had just consummd seem like a very bad idea!! THe trip on the canals was only short but we saw many key sights along the way such as Casanonva's house and Marco Polo's abode. But i think what impressed the three of use the most was the remarkable seering and control that the man had over our gondola.
After our trip we carried on our ambling around the streets and came across a very beautiful building which was housing an exebition of modern art work. The work was obsure tot say the least all with very modern and relavent concenpts but with a very dark and warped interpretation. One piece in particular had a profound affect on us all. It was a red down with lights inside which you lied underneath, as you lied there the sounds would change for haunting music to people speaking in different languages but the speakers were placed in such a way that it sounded as it if were tourists behind you,. it made us feel paranoid and made us recall unplesant experience from films and dreams. However after reading the explanation it became apprent tht the artist was taking a very dark interpetation of mechanical sounds that we here in our everyday lives. Unforntuaely during our visit to the museum lisa's camera walked off with us unaware, despite our best efforts the camera has not been recovered and although a few special photos have been lost we have trdone everything we can to deal with the situation. But althought the photos are lost we still have the memories of them :) and of course my copies!!!
In need of a rest and a chat about the exebition we sat beside the river in a little cafe to keep out of the hot mid-day sun, here we studied the map and soon realised how much we had seen already!!!
After a brief stop off at the hotel to get changed we took a river taxi san marco square. The sqaure was bustling with people from all over the world and was covered and i mean covered in pigeons!! there were people lying on the ground and with there arms outstreched to attract the pieons to them- very odd!! The buildings around the square were very grand in size and intricate in their arcitecture.
At about 9ish after an extremely long day of sight seeing we retired to a lovely restaurante by one of the main canals. Here the three of us ate and ate and ate like kings!! We rolled ourselves home and were all out for the count by midnight!!
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