Finallz found some time to update you. it is yet another crazy kezboard so i will give up trzing to write the correct zy as it will take too long
arrived in vienna and just too tired to do verz much so we cooked some tastz pasta in the hostel and updated the blog.
Earlz start in the morning to cram in as much as vienna as possible before a trarin to krackow at 2,30. We caught a tram into the centre= first stop= for cake and coffee. sache torte was nearlz as goos as mz own= hehe {i cant work out the punctuation= sorrz}
wondering through the citz there is so much to look up at= so much so that lisa tripped over me, realise we needed to look up and wher we were walking. michaeler platy was absolutelz stunning as was parliament and all the buildings in the museum quater. it is impossible to describe them all but thez are all huge and verz detailed pieces of arcitecture.
Lisa was keen to see the spanish horses so we watched a few moments of their morning exercise, but with music!! im sure thez are much more impressive during a performace, mz view was poor and all i could see was one which was foaming at the mouth.
after this we took a tour around the crzpts at michaeler gruft. the tour guide was exc ellent giving some interesting background on the church before taking us down to the crpzt, the crzpt was dark and cold= verz spookez. the crpzts were verz detailed in design however some were falling apart and it was possible to see the contents. the german ladz who was taking the tour with us was not as interested bz this as mzself!!
In the main chamber some of the coffins had been undercovered to reveal people who were dressed in their finest clothese, stockings, shoes, wigs and all. apprentlz the crpzt has helped to inform historins of shoe fashion!! haha! the space was fastincating with collections of bones stuffed into all spaces. and apprentlz the floor was made up of two lazers of previouslz crushed coffins.
as u might be able to tell i enjozed this a lot!!
The musem quarter was next on our hit list, and does exactlz what it sazs on the label. two buildings mirror each other which is verz impressive and the huge monument in the middle is also stunning. the trees and well manicured and the fountations give the space a verz grand atmposphere.
After all this walking more cake was obviouslz in order, we went to a verz grand shop which sold all varieties and decided our beast option was to stock up and take them to krackow.
feels as though i have eben verz brief but it feels like a long time since we were there, im sure looking at the photos on mz return will jog mz memorz of places i have forotten to mention.
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