Thur 29 Aug:
A nice quick update today.. because a I'm shattered and b because I'm drunk .
The subway was cancelled where I live until 3pm so I didn't get out into Manhattan until then by the time I got there Trinh had finished work so I went and met her.. I got the t-shirt and postcard that I wanted to get and some guys were giving out cans of free drink, so that's me sorted for tomorrow! Then we went to Chinatown for more dumplings, we got 12 for $3 and shared them
We then went to a Couchsurfing meet up in a bar, it also had free food and the beer was like $3 a pint, and Trinh had a voucher for $20 worth of drink for $10. So we used this.. well.. we tried! When it came to paying the tab the barstaff ran the card before Trinh had a chance to tell her she had a coupon
So, yeah, now it's half 1 in the morning.. every one in the UK is about to be getting up for work and I'm just getting in.. Ohh I'm tired! Was supposed to be up at 5am to see Alicia Keys in Central Park.. not sure that's gonna happen now! Lol.
Night :-) Xxx
Ps. I have like 6 new mosquito bites :-( Waaahhhhh, Texas is supposed to be worse!
Money spent: $30: $2.50 laminate book mark, $1.50 dinner, $1 pizza, $10 drink, $15 souvenirs.
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