Nik & Emily's Travels
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Hoi An, Vietnam

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Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Nik's Mum Amazing. Although I obviosuly grew up knowing about the killing fields I didnt realy know why it happened. scary that humans can behave that way and a scoiety actually allows them to do it.

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Xiangtan, China

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Ban Ko Phi Phi, Thailand
Emily arghh what a pleasant end to a fascinating blog, it did put a smile on my face. Very jealous of all your historic outings it all sounds very enlightening. Miss you millions! xxxxx
re: Cambodian CarnageNik's Mum Amazing. Although I obviosuly grew up knowing about the killing fields I didnt realy know why it happened. scary that humans can behave that way and a scoiety actually allows them to do it.
re: Cambodian CarnageLiz Shields I miss you too more!!! Can't wait to read the Australia blog!! Love you both x x x x x x x
re: When Thailand started taking its toll.Christine Whittaker you were right Nik I probably would have been better not reading this! Sounds fun but I wish I wasn't your mother!! BE CAREFUL!!!
re: Thailand Touring Part 1Liz shields Just caught up on your Chinese adventures! You girls are having the most ridiculous time, getting the most ridiculous opportunities and grabbing with both hands everything amazing that is coming your way!!! I am unbelievably jealous of the antics you two are getting up to! :) I hold my hands up and admit I have done zero fitness for Thailand so eat as many maccy d's as you two skinny minis like hahaha!! I can't wait to see you both and eve!!!! Thailand is going to e unbelievable! I reckon you two are going to be able to swing so many good things in Thailand after all the practice you're getting in china! Keep safe but still have lots of fun!!! Love you both lots and miss you more xxx
re: Roadtrips, TV shows, Halloween and whole lot of alcohol.Charlie Sounds like ur having such a good timr! Im very jealous and miss u loads! xxxx
re: Roadtrips, TV shows, Halloween and whole lot of alcohol.Eve McAteer Sounds like you guys are having an amazing time! So jealous!! Might have to come and spend some time with you's after I've travelled round SE Asia ;) Don't worry about the McDonalds, I've been going to the gym but using it as an excuse to eat more... Whoops! Embracing the beached whale look for Thailand. Stay safe and carry on having an amazing time! Love & miss you both, can't wait to see you xxxxx
re: Roadtrips, TV shows, Halloween and whole lot of alcohol.Emily I was going to write it was like a scene out of a film haha because it really was!
re: Roadtrips, TV shows, Halloween and whole lot of alcohol.Toni 'Builders helping us hide behind counters'. Bloody a scene out of an old silent movie! It's not many places where jobs are offered to people left, right and centre. Enjoy the experiences, stay safe and make use of the extra pennies you're earning. Oh...and try to leave out the McDonalds a bit.
re: Roadtrips, TV shows, Halloween and whole lot of alcohol.eimear soo jealous! you both sound like use r having an amazing time!! that job sounds like a dream aswell. do ur blog all the time its so fun to read love and miss u both!
re: Just another week in ChinaNiki's mum Glad i am not your liver! Really pleased you are going to have Mandarin lessons, should help to explain to your "friends" in the bar why wine tastes like orange juice although costs more than Lambrini. Not sure I am going to continue to read this blog as I think it may be too much information! Be careful and do not drive when tipsy, heaven knows what the penalties for drink driving for women are in china are. I don't fancy a prison visit and I imagine there isn't a McDonald's in there? Have (more!!!) Fun!! Love you xxxxxx
re: Just another week in China- last visited

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Niki's Sounds amazing and very informative as well. I'm jealous!