On the Thursday we met up with nicole's friend Jen from oz and went to the Victorian art gallery. They had aboriginal art which was really interesting. There was a statue of a man in the gallery which was very hairy and a security guard working at the gallery told us to take a photo with the statue (check the picture out). We then took a tram to Fitzroy to check out the shops. On the tram there was a crazy lady who thought that suhanya's necklace had a building on it. Then a few mintues later she interrupted our conversation and said, " sorry but I was listening to your conversation and wasn't able to fully follow." She was a complete freak! After lunch we went to the Botanical gardens which was really beautiful and full of tropical plants and trees.
The following day we went on a tour around Melbourne's city on a tram. We took a tour around the parliament which was really interesting. We saw Captans Cook's house and went to the docklands where there was a statue of Kylie Minogue. Melbourne has their own "London eye" called the observation wheel which is at the Docklands too.
On the weekend we went to a few winery's in Yara Valley with Steve and Amanda. The weather and views were amazing. We had so much fun tasting different wines. In this one winery we went in and it smelt really bad but then we realised it was cheese! In the evening we had a bbq back at Steve and Amanda's which was yummy. On the Sunday we went to the Victorian markets some of the clothes were hideous! Later we went to St Kilda's beach which was really nice, the sea looked amazing in the sun.
On the Monday we went to the Australian open which was awesome. We saw Xavier Malisse, Mardy Fish and David Nalbandian. It was a really hot day but we really enjoyed the matches. On the Wednesday we went on a sailing boat at St Kilda's which was called Avonlea. We didn't realise that we would get wet and after 15minutes a wae hit us and we were soaked. Everytime the boat turned we had to move across the boat, at times it was really hard to move across because the boat was vertical. We had loads of fun and when we arrived back at the boat house we tried to dry ourselves using the hand dryer.
On the Thursday we went on the Great Ocean Road with Jen and Adnan. the view was amazing and the ocean looked really blue. However it was too cold to go swimming in! When we arrived at the 12 Apostles it was so windy. Suhanya and Jen wore towels for exa warmth. There were 8 Apostles left however it was hard to walk onto the lookout due to the wind (the pictures show how windy it was).
The next day we went to the Dandegon ranges. The view at the top of the mountain was really nice and we could see the whole city. After we went to a secret garden however it wasn't very secret and it did not seem very interesting and pretty either! We then went for a walk in the forest which was fun.
The next day we took a flight to Queenstown.
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