After arriving in Sunauli we got on the bus to Pokhara. This was quite an interesting experience! Men came onto the buses with violins and busked! Some of the singing was really bad but most was good. It was great to hear traditional Nepalese music. Our bags were put on top of the bus and we were very pleased that they didn't fall off along the way!
When we reached Pokhara we found a really nice hotel with our own bathroom and hot water! wooooooo! The room had a view of fishtail mountain which looked amazing at sunset when the light hit the top (see our pic of it).
We went kayaking on the lake, the lake had a temple in the middle of it. It was al so peaceful! We went for dinner and were introduced to a new favourite of ours, Momo's served with soy sauce and a spicy sauce (similar to chinese dumplings). Mmmmmmm! Pokhara has really good juices and we went for a huge apple juice and a papaya juice. We met a Tibetan lady who had lived in Nepal since 1959 and bought some jewellery from her.
The next day we hired a boat and rowed across the lake (arms aching!). At the other side we took a walk up to the world peace pagoda. It's a beautiful Buddist monument on top of a hill. After chilling out for a while we met Prakash (a local 11yr old nepalese boy). he took a liking to Suhanya, asking of she had a boyfriend and wearing her sunglasees. He thought that she was African which amused us. So far Suhanya has been called Indian, Nepalese, Austarilain, African, Israeli and Sri Lankan! Nicole hasd only been mistaken for a German! We walked back down the hill and spent the afternoon rowing around the lake. For dinner we decided to build up our strength by going for Fish and steak. (see photo of Suhanya in mid chew).
On tues we took a walk to Davi's waterfall and then the Gupteshwor Mahadev Hindu cave. We went underneath the fall through these teeny tunnels. Ahhhhhh! We met Ami, a nepalese man from a jewellery shop. After buying some jewellery his father told us we were like his children and gave us free/discount things.
We left Pokhara for Kathmandu early in the morning. Our seat were facing sideways on and next to the driver. The driver was mad, he drove on the wrong side of the road and beeped the horn all the time. it was deafeningly loud all 8 hours! Kathmandu was much more noisy and busy than Pokhara. We wondered around looking at shops and temples and getting lost during a power cut.
On evening we met some crazy/fun Polish guys, Oh my Buddha!, went for a few drinks and met lots of travellers. We then started preparing for our trek.
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