Crikey!! (Australia Zoo day!!)
We are currently staying in a little town called Caloundra just north of Brisbane. Theres not a lot cracking off but we wanted to stay somewhere near Australia Zoo so here we are!
We got the 'Australia Zoo bus' down the appropriately named 'Steve Irwin way' and arrived at the zoo in the morning. As soon as we got in it hits you that the whole thing is now just pretty much a massive tribute to Steve Irwin. A big bronze statue of him and the family is one of the first things you see as you come through the entrance.
We saw loads more Koalas which I still had to take loads more pictures of despite having many all ready but they just seem to get cuter, we couldn't get enough of them!! We also saw more Roos, Wombats, Snakes aswell as Elephants and Tigers. Oh we also saw some Tasmanian Devils which after watching the cartoon Taz were very disappointing! All they do is sleep!!
However, the main animals of the day were the Crocodiles and Alligators as they really are what the zoo is famous for. There are loads at the zoo, pretty big too. I was a little frightened just looking at them! The best part was going to the 'Crocoseum'. Its quite cheesy, in a big stadium arena but after watching 'Crocodile Hunter Diaries', I couldn't wait to go. They do all sorts of little acts before bringing out the crocs. A really cool part was were they had a bird show and all the birds come out and fly right over your heads! They eventually bring out one of the crocodiles though and it shows you how trained (or just crazy!) they have to be. I dont think I would like to go right up to an open mouthed crocodile whith a big piece of meat! It was really good to watch though.
The most exciting part of the day was definitely when we were travelling on a little shuttle bus and noticed some security guards near the elephants. After getting off and going closer we saw Terri, Bindi and Robert Irwin who were filming for a new Aus Zoo commercial. We were hoping that they might be at the zoo but didn't really think they would so we were so happy!! It was really exciting. We probably looked a bit like crazed fans but we got to stand and watch them film, we loved it! Lynds got some really good photos too (my battery died near the start of the day, so annoying!!) That definitely completed our day :)
Anyway, I need to go and try and cram everything back into my rucksack, again! It already feels like we've travelled about quite a lot already even though we've only been here a week. Atfer speaking to some people at the hostel it shocks me how long some people travel for. One guy we spoke to has been travelling for just over one and a half years!! It makes us feel like novices afer just one week!
Ill put more photos on soon but this computer is exceptionally slow and its the only one in the hostel so Ive already been hogging it for quite a while.
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