It feels like a while since I wrote the last blog entry in Rotorua (although it probably wasn't that long ago) so Ill fill you in on what we've been up to.
After leaving Rotorua we headed to the appropriately named 'Windy Wellington' which was our last destination in the North Island. It was pretty damn cold here and I was starting to realise what people meant when they said we would freeze in New Zealand. It was nice and sunny though, just very very windy! We only spent a day in Wellington doing a bit of sighseeing but we all felt pretty jet-lagged after our overnight bus journey with a very grumpy driver!! Not good!
From Wellington we took a lovely scenic ferry journey down to Picton in the South Island. I braved the wind and stood out on deck for most of the journey as the scenery was incredible! We arrived into the little town of Picton quite late in the evening so we didn't really have much time to explore here. We did however have time for the free hot chocolate pudding that the hostel was giving out! I think this may be my new favourite hostel!
From Picton we took the bus down to Nelson on the West Coast. We only spent a day in Nelson but I think we all wished we were staying longer as the so called 'hostel' we stayed in was amazing. It was like we had our own apartment with views overlooking the town. We felt like we had arrived at the wrong place! I particularly enjoyed Nelson as I got to drag Jen and Lynds on a little Lord of the Rings tour to the jewellers where the ring was made for the film. It was pretty amzing to see and I think even they were pretty impressed too although im sure they're sick of me banging on about the film! You can even buy replicas of the ring for around $4000 dollars! Needless to say I did not get one, I wouldn't want the power!!
It was from Nelson that we arrived here in Franz Josef Glacier, our next stop along the West Coast. This place seems so tiny. I think we are on the one and only street in the town. It so cute though, just like a little ski town. Our room even has some old style skis in it!
Today we went on a hike up the Franz Josef glacier and I have to say that up untill now, I think it is oe of the strangest things I have ever done. I have seen glaciers before in Switzerland but never walked on them. It was a pretty cold day but luckily we got kitted out in some sexy waterproof jackets, trousers and boots! We also got told however that we wouldn't need gloves. I nearly went back and showed the man my bright red freezing hands at the end!!!
Anyway, we started with a short walk up to the face of the glacier. It was so amazing to see up close. I could never have imagined the sheer size of it before and I really couldn't work out how we were going to attempt to walk on it! However, we were kitted out with some cramp-ons and were soon good to go. Even with these on though, I can't say I really felt safe. I think it was one of the scariest things I've ever done. At points, it felt like we were walking up a vertical face of the glacier with nothing to hold onto but ice and occasionally a rather unstable rope! It was definitely challenging but really fascinating to see. We just found it so weird that only a week ago we were on a beach in Melbourne and today we felt like we were exploring the Arctic!
So after thawing out in a nice hot shower we are off for a well deserved drink at I think what must be the towns only bar!
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