Heathcote, UK Sep 22, 2014 Quite a few people have asked if I will be blogging again as I embark on another crazy cycling adventure, so here it is........ book mark the link and I will try and update daily whilst we are away!
Heathrow, UK Nov 6, 2011 Wine open - medicinal purposes only you understand..... This will be my last post from the UK - by tomorrow morning I will have flown for 9 hours (and probably had slightly more sleep than I would have done if I had stayed at home with the children)! We are all booked into seats together on the plane - about 71 nervous, excited ladies, fuelled by Pinot grigio. I pity anyone else who is on the 21.20 to Nairobi this evening.....
Greater London, UK Nov 6, 2011 At the airport, ready to go...... Named sweatshirts have been handed out, and we are all milling about nervously. No actual tears yet, but plenty of welling up and trembling lips..... Hopefully a few glasses of Pinot will calm everything down a little!! Flight is in 3 1/2 hours...... Is it too late to change my mind?
Warwick, UK Nov 5, 2011 This time tomorrow I will be about to board the plane....OMG! This is now all very real. I am still not packed (although I have now purchased a sleeping bag liner and sorted the kids stuff out and written my luggage labels). So if nothing else I have made some progress today. I also have an even bigger pile (no make that munber of piles) of stuff on the bedroom floor which has abolsutely no hope of fitting in my bag (which indidently I have borrowed from Hel...
Warwick, Warwickshire, UK Nov 4, 2011 Two sleeps to go. I am still not packed. I have made a little progress today though. I now have some pens for the Kenyan school we are visiting and I finally got round to making a copy of my passport and printing out my travel insurance documents. I also got myself a book to read in the evenings (if I have any time......) So, things I still need to do: Finish washing and ironing the things I need for Kenya Purchase a silk sleeping bag liner (having read commen...