We were up early again this morning so Shane and Krish could see the cows and I went one last time, just because I could! 5.45 the alarm went off again. We went and watched the cows, the others had a go but I watched from afar this time as the cows don't like too many people near them. We then took both quad bikes and drove to the top of the farm for a good view over the whole place. Was pretty cool and so peaceful! Love this place. It was then time to move the calves and the heffas again. I knew what was coming but Shane and Krish didn't so was quite funny watching their reaction. Shane helped put a fence back up but wasn't quite grasping it when Jade was screaming NOOO across the field when he was about to touch the electric fence! Funny to watch. With that done we came back and had breakfast. I cooked some pasta that I could have for lunch and dinner the next few days. We took Shane and Krish out to have a go on the jet boat and Jade and I sat on the jetty and waited for them to come back. Was nice to just sit and look one last time. Everyone showered when we got back and I cleared the car out as I was giving them a lift to Franz Josef on my way through to Queenstown. It was weird having people in the car but Shane managed to fall asleep so my driving couldn't have been that bad. I stopped at Franz to have a look and then at Fox glacier. On I went over Haast Pass and past Wanaka and Hawea lakes. Then I had to tackle the Crown Range, the highest highway/road in New Zealand. I shat myself but did it nevertheless. Amazing what you can do when you have to. I finally made it to my hotel after a 5 hour drive. I'm staying at Mercure Queenstown Resort as a treat. I've booked a Superior King Lakeview room. Because I can. And I wanted to reward myself for finally doing what I've wanted to do for years. And the great thing is, when you're travelling alone, you have no one to say no or tell you it's a bad idea. I only had to justify it to myself and that took all of about 5 seconds, or as long as it took the web page to load anyway. I've got a massive bed, a bath, big tv, a radio and a stunning view of Lake Wakatipu and the Remarkable Mountains. Definitely worth it and I've worked hard enough over the years to pay for it. Ish.
So I checked in and ate my pasta, stinking my room out with the tuna. Note to self too, don't put a bag of tinned sweet corn in your car. It bloody stinks. I then treated myself to a hot bath and used a proper hair dryer to dry my hair. I sorted all the crap out from my bag and chilled on my massive bed reading magazines and listening to the radio. Good times. I had a relatively early night as I had my day trip to Milford Sound tomorrow. I was going to drive it, but I'm sick of driving and by the time I'd paid for the petrol, accommodation and boat trip it was about the same. So I booked a trip which also meant no stress and I could enjoy the view. Result........
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