Would that be a "cow" shed, per-chance?
It's more serious than I thought....
Coco-pops "on the hoof", as it were. (snap/crackle/slurrp)
Mmm. Yummy.
You just made me spit my coco pops over my bed damn u! And yes, I am eating coco pops in my shed at midnight on my last night in New Zealand!!
"Hmong" back at you and a "sluuurrrp" for good measure!
Ahhh... holiday romances are the best, aren't they?
I was going to leave it my number but it already had enough numbers pinned to it. It wouldn't have known which one to call so I just left it rather than confuse her. It's not an experience I'd ever like to repeat that's for sure. Infact I don't really know what I was thinking doing it in the first place! Curiosity got the better of me I guess! I wonder if it's on the list of 1000 things to do before you die?! But your cows are safe. From me anyway, not so sure about yourself!
Seriously Nicky, if you wanted to go elbows-deep with a cow, you could've violated one or two in the field next to my garden (there's one in there "ticking" from when I lost my watch), you needn't have gone to the other side of the world to get yer jollies!
I am pround of you, of course and at the same time, disgusted and unnerved... but unsurprised.
Do you think you and the cow will keep in touch, or was it just a casual grope?
Omg, it bought a whole new meaning to Mount Browne that's for sure! Would have thought u'd be proud?! Although I have to say I'm wracked with guilt after violating that poor cow. I was going to say something about you violating me, but it would be completely out of context and would go horribly horribly wrong!!
I'm seriously behind with all yer blogs and wot not, and reading Aimee's comment, sounds like you've got some serious "behind" also! I always suspected you were into stuff like that....
I'll have a read/look after I've finished eating.
Funnily enough, I never thought I'd do it! Yes I'm still coming home, booked my hair appointment so I've got to now! ;-) Hope u and Mia are ok! Can't wait to catch up when I'm back! xxx
I've just caught up on your NZ adventures..............never thought I'd see a pic of you with your arm up a cows bum! Sounds amazing hon - just hope you're still coming home!!! Take care :-) xx
Either no one loves me anymore or you've all drowned in the floods?!.....
You sad b******s. Times must be hard if I'm the entertainment! I took a sabbatical from blog writing as I seemed to be enjoying life for a while. Normal service resumed now - I'm in McDonalds with free wifi and toilets. Awesome! Blog diahorrea about to commence....
Paul Scott (Father Of Said Traveller)
Know you're having a good time but I have half of Woking & knaphill + the entire Royal oak giving me grief & tuning back into neighbours for their entertainment since the blogs stopped - sort it out Enid!!