Hey guys.
Just got in from Champinos League final. I was backing Chelsea and even though they lost (and I lost 100k Dong), it was the best game of football I've seen for a long long time. Just amazing.
Anyway so I went out the other night again just with randoms for night out number 3 in a row. TBH, was nothing major, but I got in a 4:30am and had to be up at 7 to go to Halong Bay...not fun.
Got to the boat on Halong Bay and we were cruising for a while and getting to know each other. Scenery was just amazing. Then we went for a walk through a cave which was too touristy and a bit dull - the most interesting thing was this stray dog...
Then we went Kayaking - I was with this guy called Seb and we kept ramming people and having water fights. Injured a guy called Nick (but by accident) - It was a good laugh.
Then went swimming off the boat and was jumping in from high up...Heights and water = not fun for me, but I must have jumped in like 8 times in the end. Awesome.
Then we basically went to the bar and were having drinks, and there was kareoke but people were annoyed that the drinks were so expensive. We were going to buy a bottle of cheap vodka but they didnt have it and people were getting grumpy and about to go to bed.
So I think "f*** it" because I wanted to have a laugh. So I buy this $35 bottle of whiskey, do a double shot and then share it round. Before you know it were are all doing Kareoke.
Now when I was in Japan I didn't do it much, just sat and watched and I regreted it. Anyone who's heard me "sing" knows I can't. But I barely put the mic down and we had a great time, apart from these 2 English girls who told me I offended and intimidated them by telling them to "f*** off" (None of the other 20 people seemed bothered by my drunken antics, I'd bought the booze!)...I bit my tounge in telling them to f*** off again.
The morning after, again on like 3 hours sleep was rough but the bus back was fine, except when I fell asleep against the window and woke up sunburnt.
Got back, slept a bit, and then went to watch the Champions League final. Awesome.
So...5 days in Hanoi, and I've got out every night. I'm knakcered now, but I'm on a bus tommorow night so maybe I can be sober and sleep.
Currently dowloading a couple of new songs, but mainly loads of free podcasts, a few episodes of LOST I havent seen and Derren Brown Series 3 which was cheapish. Just cramming the iPod full of stuff for the trip.
Also some guy from the hostel I don't know got dared by his mate to walk down the street naked. He did. I could not believe it. His mate said he wished someone had a camera. I did. I'm sure you can't wait for THOSE pics...=]
Hope its all OK at home.
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