Oh Bolivia How Fun..................
It started with a supossed 37 hour bus trip from Buenos Aires to Santa Cruz (Bolivia).. However we did'nt know about the road blocks in Bolivia that the farmers decided to set up on the roads in protest of there pay! We were 350km from Santa Cruz when the bus stopped at around 4am in a queue! This was the first road block! We decided to go back to sleep then went and had a look when the sun came up! It did'nt look that hard to get around for a car but not for a bus! It got to around 9 and the mayor of the town came out to start discussions! Me and sam were watching what was happening when a guy on crutches behind us let off a shotgun sort of shell like a gun shot into the air and made us seriously jump, this happend thoughtout the morning and sounded from a far like a gun fight! After 11 hours of waiting and walking in the boiling heat we were finally allowed through the blockade! Every body was really happy including the bus driver who decided to whack up his terrible distorted music AGAIN! However an hour later we hit another road block and this was a serious one! Articulated lorry parked in the road with 2 trees broken down and a tractor! No chance of passing and apparently had already been there for three days! The only good thing to come out of this to our amusement was when sam was in a world of his own and walked face first into a open lorry door which even at the time was unbeliveably funny!!! After thinking about what to do we decided to trek it over the blockade about 800metres with all our stuff through a long line of trucks with an Austrian guy in hope of finding a taxi to the next and final blockade! We managed to get one, with a taxi driver chewing coca leaves which is the raw form of cocaine and suprisingly he did'nt have any teeth left! After another hour and a half got to another town where we managed to get 8 people into this car and travel another hour and a half to Santa Cruz. Not before being dropped off in the ghetto with all our stuff until the taxi driver thought it might be a good idea to move out of the area! Finally after 52 hours of travelling we got to our hostel!
Finally normality and we decided to do some Tree Canopying here in the Bolivian Jungle. We trekked through the jungle for around 30mins not without falling over a lot due to the slippy as hell mud! To nats excitement there were some humoungous spiders on the way, and also the sound of macaws! We got to the first zipline which was around 70 metres across the canopy of the jungle which was wicked! there were 3 more ziplines across the canopy of the jungle not to mention the seriously unsafe sketchy platforms we had to stand on about 20metres above the trees with no safety at all! We ended up having to abseil down through the jungle on the last platform which was brilliant aswel. We have had a good look round the city and the area which is all funky but a bit dodgy in places as some guy in our hostel found out when we had a gun shoved in his ribs for money wallet and camera! But nothing else like it!
We have just overcome the small problem of getting out the country back to Argentina as the road blocks are still in force but we managed to get a flight to Northern Argentina to Salta on friday night, thank god!!
So Bolivia has been interesting lol and very very different! Really feel like your in South America here! The first day we were here is was absolutley boiling way into the 30's but its randomly been pretty chilly the last couple of days only about 20 degrees lol!
Looking forward to getting back to Argentina now!! The pictures will explain All
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