Round the World in 155 Days!
Persuade Nick to go to the market at the Rocks - it is great but I do spot him looking longingly at every pub we pass! We get free ice cream samples and fudge - yum!
Go up the Sydney tower witch is really good and have a tour about what everything is - it's really interesting.
We are up at 7.00 to go on a tour of the Blue Mountains - in true Nick and Nicky style we miss the bus. As we stand and 'discuss' what we are going to do the bus comes back and picks us up! We stop at the Olympic Park and Nick marvels at the Telstra Stadium. We then stop at a national park and as some as we get off the bus we see 3 kangaroos just hoping around eating! One has a Joey - it we amazing, they are so cute!!!
We get to the top of the Blue Mountains and it is really impressive because the eucalyptus oil gives off a blue haze and it goes on for miles. Walk to Wentworth falls down a v steep set of about 500 steps but it is well worth it. Next stop is Echo point where we see the three sisters which is all down to aborigine dream time. We get back on the bus and head to for the next stop
We are on a tour with some Dutch people who insist on sing to every song that comes on the radio - I find it quite funny but Nick is getting more annoyed as the day goes on, so I find it even funnier. We go for a jungle walk which is 1000 steps down but is really nice with more waterfalls and stuff. Nick sums it up with his comment ' arrrrhhh nature!' We get a vertical train ride back which is great!! Head back to Sydney and crack into the Jacobs creek. ( I was going to finish the day here but Nick points out that I have not mentioned the beef in Black bean which we made for tea - it was nice)
Headed to Summer bay today!!!!!!!!! it was great we went to the surf club and everything! Nick was not overly impressed going from his comments like 'is this it?' I loved it. We get a text form Rob saying Nick as a package sent to his house, we head round and open it and it is ...........chocolate!!!!!! the biggest bar of ENGLISH dairy milk you can get!! it is amazing - we sit outside with rob and eat it. Jackie Dill is a star!
Wish you were all here
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