Lyndon was starting work in the city this morning so we got a lift with him. We went via the east side along commercial drive and past Playland, the local theme park.
We were dropped off in an area called Yaletown, a mixture of coffee shops, beauty salons and "all the yoga you can do in a week for only $20" studios. We had coffee.
We window shopped then made our way down to False Creek and walked along the waterside. There were a couple of play areas so Molly played on the swings. Once we got under the bridge we caught the aquabus over the creek to Granville Island. All this area used to be industrial but now has become a collection of theatres, art gallerys, market stalls and restaurants.
We knew there was a water play area so we had brought along Molly's swimwear and a towel, so she got changed and played on the water slides and fountains.
It was getting on for lunch time so in the food court we picked up a butter chicken curry which we ate outside overlooking the creek and listened to the buskers. After lunch we made our way to the Children's Market, a building full of stores selling books, toys and dressing up clothes. Molly bought a small Lego kit with some birthday money. We then found the dress up store which had some great hats and a yoda costume for a baby.
I was having a bad day for hayfever ( could be a cold) so as we were going to a fireworks display tonight, we headed back to Lynn's via the seabus. I still felt rough later so we thought we would see the fireworks on Saturday instead. At 10pm we went out on Lynn's balcony to see tonights fireworks in the distance, which lasted for 25 minutes, but the highlight in the last couple of minutes was seeing a skunk walking up the road and into peoples gardens. ( No, it didn't smell. Yes, I have smelt one. Yes, it does smell bad. )
- comments
lisa lou Keep an eye out for any mad baby stuff that may sell over here - write down their website addresses......xxxxxxx
nick not what your looking for but we saw a great 3 wheeled buggy that you pull the front wheel to the back to convert into a bike.