This morning we awoke to the best weather so far. The lake was like a mill pond and not a cloud in the sky.
Once everyone was up and dressed we got in the car and headed to Coombs. We had breakfast at the Old Country Store also known as goats on the roof for obvious reasons. Tracy and I shared an order of buttermilk pancakes while Molly had eggs, toast and hash browns ( more like fried potatoes than our hash browns). After breakfast we looked around the stores. In the fruit and veg store I bought some local cherries and peaches. They were delicious and as Molly ate the cherries we thought she had cut her lip because of the blood red juice.
Next stop today was Cathedral Grove, a nature reserve with lots of 800 year old fir trees. It has the largest, tallest trees I've seen but the land is not very fertile so when a tree falls it is left to decompose and the nutrients can return to the soil. This is why when trees are logged and the new trees replanted they never grow as tall.
We made a quick stop as Qualicum Bay for fuel, supplies and slurppies.
On returning to the cabin Lynn and I took our empty cans and bottles to a charity collection going on near the lake.
Later in the day Molly had a couple of goes at water skiing but prefered to go in the tube so everyone, including the dog, got in the boat while Molly was dragged behind.
We had dinner of barbecued salmon then Molly lit the fire pit with Lyndon. With s'mores and sparklers we sat by the fire until it was dark then watched for shooting stars.
- comments
Mum Feeling very envious already, you lucky people. By S'mores, do you mean Smorgasbord? It's great to read your diary, please carry on love mum x
Nick S'mores are toasted marshmallows with a piece of chocolate between two biscuits!!