Well where to start since last entry.
10-10 - Went to a traditional keechwa meal tonight, in the middle of nowhere, in this family, where the family had been living there for 50 years. They were really nice, and so friendly. We had to do a traditional marriage ceremony (yep i´m married now, lovely girl named Fiona), which included pooring wine and blowing coca leaves over the food that was being cooked in the ground with hot stones, of course in typical ´me´fashion as i got the wine i thought we were supposed to drink it so they had to top me up...oh well. That night was followed by my first night train, which was absolutely fine, its a double decker where the seats go quite far back. I was so knackered i think i slept walked on and then passed out straight away in my chair (oddly enough next to my new wife....we contiplated consumating the marriage, but thought that would be as welcome as having to sit through a celine Dion concert, so decided against.
11-10 - Woke up at 6am on Night bus, to some random, really bad film they put on for us, and we got passed around free breakfast which included some form of meat in a bun and something that resembled a hockey puck covered in bite of that and it was left! We had a free day in Arequipa today, which is Peru´s 2nd largest city, but probably number 1 for horn beeping, they beep for everything out here, i think there must be some kind of language between the cab drivers out here or something. Arequipa is a large city full of monastary´s and cathedrals, and nice bars and cafe´s etc. A few of us went to the ´Monastary de Santa Catalona´ for a tour, which is still being occupied by nuns today, its like a small town in a city, all sealed off from the outside world. Years ago you didn´t have a choice apparently, the first born married, the second became a nun and the 3rd studied. Now they choose to spend years in this monastary away from the world....Whatever makes them happy i guess, as long as its a choice!! In the night then we also went to this lush restaurant and tried Alpaca and Llama for the first time and i have to admit it was beutiful!!
12-10 - Today we were moving up to the Andes for 2 nights of trekking and sight seeing a bit of training for the Inca trail. We staying a place called Chivay which was a 4 hour bus drive away in the middle of the mountains, some of the views were amazing and we experienced all four seasons on way up, and dry, sun, snow and rain!!! We also went to the highest point we will on this entire trip of 4900 meters above sea level. My head hurt a bit but not too bad. When we arrived the city was in the middle of the mountains and resembled some horror films i´ve seen where they´re ´cut off from the outside world´, but in a good way?? It was quiet and relaxing, in the afternoon we did a bit of a 2 hour trek around the area, and i didnt´find this too bad but some people were struggling, Inca trail should be intersting. We also saw some pre-Inca tombs of which no one knows how old they are. I noticed i´m a bit of a power walker and didn´t dilly dally and got a bit annoyed when stuck behind someone slow, but thats just me and my impatience, contemplated throwing them off the mountain, but thought that would be frowned upon. Also for this trip we were told (due to altitude) to eat a nd drink as many coca products as we could, so i obliged, then that night, had some very VERY dodgy dreams!! But seemed to work for the altitude as i was fine.
13 - 10 - Well Peruvian food has finally got the better of me, first dodgy tummy and am spent all of today eating bread.....YUM..hardly slept and had to be up at 5:30am!!..I did manage to go hiking up the Coca Valley though and saw the Condors.......worlds 2nd biggest bird. The Coca Valley was the first time i felt touristy as there were loads of tourists at the space. Also amongs loads of school trips, we stood out like a saw thumb and they all kept calling us gringos!! Which i found funny, but they seemed laugh more at me posing like a bird in some pictures!! This place was breathtaking though and it reminded me of where i was. Due to the large english speaking contingent in my group, i sometimes forget i´m on the other side of the world, made me smile and almost laugh to myself on way back to hostel!!! Gave me a feeling of freedom! Walked around Chivoy after, and saw some dead Alpacas in the street as they were skinning them and preparing them to sell!! This town is really cute and friendly, everyone saying hello etc. Also in the town in middle of mountains.....there is of course an Irish Pub, didn´t have time to go in though!!! LAter that evening, i was feeling a bit better so attempted chicken, we also had a live band and traditional dancers. The dancers got volunteers up near the end and yet again i was the only guy willing to play ball. The dance involved me bouncing up and down with this lady, lying down when i ate a ´poisioness orange´ her whipping me and the sitting on my face...I know what your thinking, thats a dance that should be saved for the bedroom, but hey, its Peru!! Was a fun night!
14 - 10 - Today we went back to Arequipa, was feeling better today so was like a ravenous tiger eating!! I´ll be honest today, i just wanted to do nothing....we had a 13 hour night bus tonight and i just wanted to do a bit of shopping and eat cheese ice cream...unfortunatly couldn´t find cheese ice cream. I just chilled at hostel half day as most group, indecisive as they are, wandered from shop to shop aimlessly and i just couldn´t be bothered, we´d seen quite a bit of Arequipa already and i was ready for Cusco.
Next update, probably after Inca trail, might be doing some paragliding tomorrow, depending on funds, before hitting base camp next day for Inca Trail, whish me luck.
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