OK well, where to begin. Met the group finally who are awesome, there´s 14 of us, half the group have been together since Ecudor, half newbies. It hasn´t all really sunk in yet, its so amazing out here, just having fun everyday, and haven´t laughed so much in a long time.
So far we´ve done alot of travelling, been for some Peruvian food, mainly consisting of rice and meat, no broadness either way. The guide ´Alim´is really good, is actually from Peru, so knows alot about the place, which is brilliant. Yesterday was our first proper activity day, a group of people went out to an island to watch some birds, but i wasn´t bothered, just chilled with others at hostel. They had a gym there so had a work rep on the one machine they had there...that was enough i thought, back to just sitting!....Yesterday we were in a place calléd´Pisco´, which is a town just south of Lima, that was devistated by an earthquake, bout 45 years ago and hasn´t really recovered. The town is practically just leveled with left over buildings there and thats it. Some of the living conditions here have been a real eye opener, there are peole just living in one room buildings in the desert, and in these ravaged buildings in Pisco. I think if we had to deal with natural disasters thought (i know we get flooding, but not as bad, and we even deal with that badly!) we´d panic, moan, run around screaming and not really get a lot done, where as out here its just a way of life.....quite impressive!!
SO Pisco, is also the national drink of Peru, so we went to the distillary. Really good, tried 9 different types of Pisco, its made from grapes, but is not a wine (although they have wine versions), proper Pisco, is about 45%, and as i discovered last night (bought bottle, drunk bottle, found a dangerous drinking partner in an aussie friend) it is very strong, they also have one called the ´baby making wine´will not be drinking that!! Worse case scenario, i´ll blame it on the wine. (protection is at had though)!!.
So we did this at 11am (yep) then went sandboarding and buggying, which was amazing, i managed to stay up the longest on the sandboarding (most of the dunes we went down on our front lieing down), and yes this is me being smug!!! :) This was an extra but worth every penny!! Yesterday was the busiest day by far as after this, we saw the ´nasca lines´ (google it if your curious). Basically we stood at the top of a tower and these lines are pictures of animals and body parts put into that ground that can´t be got rid of (you can´t walk near them), and no one knows how they got there, kind of like crop circles. THats it so far, that groups amazing, and each night i´m getting to know everyone bit by bit. It feels like one big family already and everyone is happy to be with everyone. At first i was being a bit of a try hard (as i do), but now (mainly after last night), feel alot more at ease with everyone, dont feel the need to be saying something every 2 minutes and am comfortale!!! Today we got a day chilling out by a pool at a swanky hotel, and then having a (included in trip) dinner, followed by a 10 hour night bus! WOO!! Till next time!!- comments