Hawddamor gyfeillion.
Adelaide a melbourne oedd y ffefrynau, ond wir, erbyn hyn maent wedi cael eu gorchfygu gan y syrfdanol sydney.
gwnaethom dreulio 7 noson yn aros mewn apartment moethus, andros o rhad, wedi ei leoli ddim mwy na pymtheg munud o ganol y ddinas. Ideal, roedd 4 ohonom yn rhannu'r cartref, pedwar trodd i 7, popeth wedi cael ei reoli gan yr hynod gyfeillgar Mary.
iawn, felly mae Sydney yn andros o gosmopolitan, yn andros o dwristaidd, ac yn debyg iawn i'r gorllewin pell, ond nefi blw, am le!!! Ddim siom o gwbl yma, a buan yr hedfanodd ein hamser yma hefyd! hawdd oedd dal tren i bob rhan posib o sydney, neidio oddi arno a cherdded i mewn, bron yn llythrennol i fewn i ddigwyddiad neu 'landmark' gwerth ei weld. Gwnaethom brynu ticed 'gwyrdd' oedd yn ein galluogi i drafeulio o gwmpas y prif rannau yn ddigon di-ffws, ac heb wario drwyn trwynau, heb os daeth gweld y 'piciad' i'r ddinas dipyn haws ar ol prynu'r tocyn yma, gwnaethom yn fawr o'r tocyn hefyd, gan deithio ar bob bws, tren a fferi posib!!!
Iawn, ma'n siwr y gellid rhannu'n cyfnod ni yn Sydney i mewn i 3 rhan: Y mynyddoedd glas, Yr harbwr enwog, a thraeth Bondi.
y mynyddoedd glas
Ddim yn siwr beth i'w ddiwsgwyl yma. Mynyddoedd glas?? Siwr bod hynny ddim yn bosib, ond wir, wrth edrych ar y mynyddoedd roedd modd gweld tint glas o'n blaenau ni, fel niwl tennau yn gorffwys ar yr olygfa anhygoel. (yn ol y son, o ganlyniad i'r effeithiau cemegol!) Iawn, felly cychwyn y daith, ar tren yn ein cymryd yn hwylus at katoomba, dal bws wedyn, bws troli oedd yn golygu neidio ymlaen ac i ffwrdd yn y nifer o wahanol stops oedd ar gael. Y stop cyntaf 'devonshire tea rooms' Odd gynon ni docyn i dderbyn dau de am bris un, nefi blw, am de, 2 sgon, jam, hufen, menyn, a photied o de YR UN . . . . . ac wrth yfed, dychymyg y ddwy ohonan ni yn mynd ar goll yn nghanol y tebotiaid ar addurn henffasiwn, lle delfrydol i gynal ffilm arswyd. muahahaha.
Y stop nesa, cerdded, wel, roedd angen gneud rhwbeth i chwysu'r holl de allan! Roedd y golygfeydd yn odidog, ac yn wir, swn ni wedi cael amser i'w mwynhau yn iawn 'sa fo ddim am y ffaith ein bod wedi gorfod dechrau rhedeg i ddal y bws troli. Roeddem yn gorfod dilyn amserlen eitha tyn, daeth hin eitha amlwg ein bod, yn ol yr amserlen wedi colli'r bys oedd i'n cymryd i'r stop nesa, roedd hyn yn golygu bod ganddom ni awr i gwblhau trec awr a hanner, roeddem yn hedfan, heb os, ar golygfeydd hyfryd yn pasio heibio'n andros o gyflym, lot rhy gyflym, yn enwedig wrth i ni gyrraedd top y ffordd yn dilyn 10mun o redeg i ffeindio ciw o bobl, wedi creu 'stop bws troli' eu hunain i ddal y troli . . . ac o fewn 5 munud, ac ambell i sgwrs ynglyn a pharhau hefo'r trec anobeithiol, dyma'r troli'n dod, ac yn stopio!! gwych. cawsom gyfle felly i weld man golwg mis mel, cyn parhau at y prif atyniad, y tair chwaer (na ddim fel y sioe Gymraeg!!) Hollol anhygoel, ac yn wir, ddim y trec hir y gwnaethom ei ragweld, ac felly, cawsom gyfle i wneud chydig o flasu gwin am ddim. Lyfli, gwin coch wedi'i oeri (ie, oeri) or enw, be arall, y tair chwaer. Gwnaethom lwyddo i ddal y bys olaf, ac o fewn 5 munud roeddem nol yn Katoomba, yn barod i aros awr at y tren oedd i'n cymryd yn ol i Strathfield.
Yr harbwr, ar ty opera.
heb os nac oni bai, roeddem yn hollol gyffrous, chi'n son am y bont enwog, ie, yr un yn Sydney, a phetai hynny ddim yn ddigon, roedd y ty opera yna hefyd!!!! Roeddem yn mynd i'w gweld . . . yn mynd i sefyll o'u blaenau, a thynnu'r llun disgwyliedig hynny o wen gawslyd wrth weld y ty opera yn y cefndir . . . methu aros. Dal y tren felly, ddim rhy gynnar, roedd noswaith i'w dreulio yn yr ardal hefyd. Wrth eistedd, yn aros am yr orsaf disgwyliedig i gyrraedd, roeddem yn gwybod y byddai'r olygfa'n anhygoel, ac wir, ni gawsom ein siomi, wrth dynnu mewn roeddem yn medru gweld y ddau dirlyn enwog, ambell i lun fany, cyn crwydro ymhellach. Y tywydd yn arbennig wrth i ni basio'r dynion lu yn chwarae dijaridw, a phenderfynnu gwneud yn fawr o'r tocyn gwyrdd a'i ddefnyddio i ddal y fferi oedd yn crwydro glan y mor o gwmpas y ty, ac o dan y bont. Roedd hi'n ymddangos fy mod wedi gweld y bont eisioes wrth grwyrdro chydig ddyddiau ynghynt . . . ac heb sylweddoli hynny . . . . sydd yn dysgu gwerth ymchwilio lleoliadau newydd yn well ynte!!!!! Penderfynnu peidio dringo'r bont ei hun, roedd gennym gynllunie eraill oedd o bosib yn mynd i roi mwy o fuzz i ni, felly ar y fferi a ni, a chrwydro am baned tuag at y darling harbour.
O gwmpas yr ardaloedd hynny roedd ardal, hen hen ardal, yr enw 'the rocks'. Dyma nifer i siopaiu bach ciwt wedi'u lleoli o fewn hen adeliadau traddodiadol. Rhyfedd oedd crwydro'r stryd yma wrth weld y siopau ar adeiladau modern yn gefndir, hynny i gyd wedi'i gysgodi'r o'r cyfeiriad arall gan y bont enwog. Yn fwy na dim, caswom gyfle i flasu mel yma hefyd, oedd wir yn hollol flasus, boed y gwhanol flas are gael, neu'r ffaith ei fod am ddim!!!
wrth i'r haul fachlud ar sydney, dyma ni'n troediio'n ol ar y fferi, i'n cymryd yn ol at y prif harbwr, y bont yn dechrau goleuo, ac wrth droi'r gornel oddi tano sylwi bod y ty opera bellach yn binc yng nghefndir y noswaith tywyll, ddim cweit mor binc ar gwin y gwnaethom fwynhau wrth edrych ar y tirlyn on blaenau. Roedd llongau adloniant yn cychwyn ar eu tripiau o gwmpas yr harbwr, roedd sydney-wyr yn crwydro yn mwynhau noswaith fwyn, a theithwyr tebyg i ni jyst yn joio'r olygfa arbennig. Hollol arbennig. Neidio nol ar y tren wedyn i ddychwelyd i'n carterf clyd.
Traeth Bondi
Doedd trip i sydney ddim yn gyflawn heb ymweliad bach i'r traeth enwog hynny, Bondi. I fod yn onest roeddwn yn disgwyl rhywbeth tebyg i olygfa allan o baywatch, dynion byff yn gweithio allan yn y gym's agored, merched yn gorweddian hanner noeth ar y tywod a'r plant yn chwarae yn y mor dan archwiliad gofalus dynion a merched annaturiol o dlws yn gwisgo gwisg siapus. Wir, doedd y llun on blaenau ddim tebyg wrth gyrraedd yr traeth, iawn, roedd y lle yn llawn, gor lawn os rhywbeth, roedd pobl o bob oedran yno yn mwynhau'r heulwen, roedd dynion yno yn gweithio allan, ond heb air o glewydd roedden nhw yn wir yn gweithio'n galed, yn andros o chwyslud, roedd merched yno hefyd yn gwisgo pob mathau o bethau, ac mewn manau, ddim byd o gwbl . . . . . ond wir, dyma draeth arferol, wel, arferol i draeth tywod te!!! Man bosib y gall y lle yma fod yn anhygoel ddydd dolig fodd bynag!
Wrth ddal bws 333 allan o Bondi, a thrafeulio ar hyd prif stryd siopa Sydney, (na, heb adael y bws) dyma ni'n cyrraedd ciw o draffig, wedi'i achosi gan dan mewn amgueddfa, a phenderfynnu gadael ein cerbyd a mynd am sgowt i ffeindio gorsaf drenau cyfagos, a nefi, wir, dyma ni'n llythrennol gerdded i mewn i barc hyde. cyfle i dynnu llun felly, cyn dal y tren nol i'r fflat!!
Gwnaethom dreulio'r diwnrod olaf nol yn yr harbwr, yn crwydro siopau swfeniyrs, yn stocio fynu ar yr olaf o nwyddau Awstraliaidd. Dychwelyd nol wedyn i bacio, wir, am job, ein stwff i gyd o fewn 7 diwnrod i'w weld wedi cyrraedd pob twll a chornel yn y fflat!! hehe.
Diwedd Sydney, a diwedd ein hamser yn Awstralia. Wedi gweld y prif atyniadau, heb os, ac hefo sawl atgof bythgofiadwy, er ar adegau, roedd 2 fis yn teimlo'n hir yma. mae angen gweithio wrth drafeulio, ond am brofiad, a chael gorffen yn Sydney. Anhygoel. Edrych ymlaen rwan felly at y cam nesaf yn y daith, seland newydd, nefi, den ni'n dwy'n edrych ymlaen, er iddyn nhw'n curo ni yng ngemau rygbi'r hydref . . . nown ni'm dal hynny yn u herbyn nhw!!!
Llawer o gariad, heddwch a gwen lydan,
Sgityl & L.S
Adelaide and melbourne were favorites, now they have well and truely been overtaken by the sensational sydney.
7 nights were spent in a luxurious appartment. Cheap as chips, loacted 15mins train ride from the city itself. It was ideal. 4 of us and later 7 shared this home, run by the very friendly Mary.
Sydney, yes it's very cosmopolitan, very touristy, and very westerised, but wow, what a place. it didnt dissappoint at all. You could easily just catch a train and hop off at any point and stumble accross a landmark, or impressive place. We decided to buy a green ticket travel card which allowed us to travel to most sites within the city. this made browsing and general 'pick to the city' so much easier, and no doubt we made the most of the offer, using it on all ferries, buses and trains available!!
You could say that we visited 3 main sites, those being The blue mountains, the famous harbour area, and Bondi beach.
The blue mountains
We werent sure what to expect here. blue mountains?? surely that's not possible. But, somehow, due to the chemistry of the mist (or something) there was actually a blue haze which softly rested within the amazing scenery. the train took us to the town of Katoomba, followed by a trolley bus ride with a hop on hop off service taking us around the main sites. The first stop off, the devonshire tea rooms, where we had a buy one tea get the other free offer. . . . . .wow. one tea would of been enough for the two of us. and the tea rooms played havoc with our imaginations as it seemed an ideal place to film a horror film, with all it's teapots and old fashioned interior!
the next stop meant walking. Sweating off the huge pot of tea we'd just drunk. the views left us breathless. the breathlessness was also down to the fact that we thought we'd lost the last bus, which were to take us onto the next and final stop. We therefore had an hour to complete an hour and a half trek. We were flying let me tell you, and that beautiful scenery was flying, right past us, as we reached the main road, literary about 10 minutes later to join a cue of people who thought they were at the proper trolley stop . . . . .and which consequently concluded in an unscheduled stop as the trolley went to pass us!!! From there we managed to go and see the honeymoon scenery spot, and the main attraction, three sisters. This wasnt the long trek we'd anticipated, and so we indulged in some free wine tasting at the gift shop, which, I might add was rather nice (chilled red wine called three sister incase you might be interested!!) and we cought the bus back, which resulted in a 5 minute ride to our penultimate stop, back in katoomba, where an hour later the train was to take us back to our lovely little appartment in strathfield.
The famous harbour area
We were excited, I'm not going to lie. You're talking the famous harbour bridge, and opera house here. And so, we jamp on the train. ready to take us to 'the harbour area' and as you could imagine, we pulled up at the station, and they were there, in front of us. Fair play to those who'd built the train station, they'd managed to make it dramatic, with us coming out of a tunnel with this famous spectacle in front of us. A few photo opportunities to be had there. It was at this point that I realised that while walking along the other harbour, (darling harbour that is) I had in fact seen the bridge . . .but hadnt realised it. Teaches me to research a bit more before arriving at a new location!! hehe. Anyhow, It was our plan to stay around these sites until night to see the lights. . . .we decided against climbing the bridge itself, we had other plans in the pipelines, which in our minds would provide a bigger rush than that of climbing the bridge . . so, we decided to catch the ferry instead. No, didnt drive this time, we just kicked back and enjoyed the scenery, riding the waves passed the front of the opera house first, and then back onto another ferry which would take us to the coffee drinking destination, darling harbour.
Around these areas as well were the rock shops. Which, provided us with some free honey tasting as we walked around really cute and old fashioned shops. It was like taking a step back in time, in the heart of sydney, next to the modern and impressive buildings lay this little quaint are with old signs and buildings. It was cool!!!! especially the free honey tasting!!! The weather was beautiful as we walked around, just looking at the attractions, enjoying them, and just I guess, taking it all in.
As the sun started to go to it's bed, we cought the ferry back towards the main harbour. The lights were starting to shine as we made our way around under the bridge to the site of the now pink opera house. Quite impressive. Some time was taken to get that perfect picture, before ordering wine (obviously getting id'd in the process!!) and just sitting enjoying the location. You had men playing the didgerydoo all over the place, and people chilling around us, which generated a really nice atmosphere. Around us we also had the big showtime ferries starting their journeys to entertain, as well as holiday makers such as us just enjoying their surroundings.
Bondi Beach
We couldnt visit sydney, without picking down to the famous beach area. I'm not going to lie, I was actually expecting something like a scene out of baywatch. having all the buff men working out to the sound of the crisp waves crashing, the women lying with hardly any clothes and children playing dangerously close to the edge of the water, only to be watched by stupidly pretty people in costumes which left little to the imagination . . . . . but, it wasn't really like this at all!!! The beach though, was packed, full of people ranging from a load of different ages. yes, you had you're buff men, and women with hardly or no clothes on. but to be fair, it was just like a normal beach. . . .well, it had sand, which I guess is not exactly like the kind of 'normal' beach we're used to back in Sunny wales. but still, based on our beach experiences thus far, it was just like any one of them. Even the blokes at the outdoor gym didnt match the expectiations, with them actually looking in pain as if they were really working hard!!!! We walked along the beach front, took a few snaps and decided to make our way back into syndey itself.
We cought the 333 bus, which led us through one of the main shopping areas of Sydney. We didnt get off (hehe) but further along, a museum fire left us waiting a long time in a traffic cue. We got off, deciding to walk to the nearest train station, and hey presto, we found ourselves in hyde park (see what i said about stumbling accross a landmark???) we walked along taking photos, before catching the train back to our place, for a quiet night.
Our last day was spent back at the harbour making the most the last gift shops in australia!!!! it wasnt long until we were back though, trying to sort out the stuff which had suprisingly been strewn across the appartment during our 7 night stay!!
And that was it, our time in Sydney came to an end, and consequently our time in Australia finished. No doubt we saw some of the best sights, We created and lived unforgettable memories, and yes, 2 months, at times felt like a really long time, you kind of need to work as you travel, but without doubt, what an experience, and to finish with syndey, amazing. But now, it's time to move on to the home of the all blacks, the rugby giants, who incidentally had just beaten wales in the autumn internationals . . but we won't hold that against them . . . hehe.
Take care, the next blog will be along soon, ish . . .
keep smiling,
Sgityl & L.S
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