I'r gorllewin o melbourne mae ffordd. Sawl ffordd i fod yn fanwl gywir, ond at bwrpas y blog yma, dwi am son am un yn arbennig.Y great ocean ffordd. Dyma daith yn cynnig rhai o' r rhyfeddodau naturiol mwaf deiniadol dwi erioed wedi'i weld. Yn droellog ddilyn glan y mor, yn ein harwain at fannau hynod dlws. Gobeithio bod y lluniau yn medru rhoi blas o'r hyn y gwnaethom brofi!!
Cychwynodd y daith yn swyddfa 'ynotrentacar' am ddeg o'r gloch y bore. . . . . teimlad eitha nerfus wrth estyn llaw at ddrws y cwmni, dim ond i sylweddoli ei fod wedi cloi, caniad ffon yn ddiweddarach, a daeth perchennog y siop drws nesaf i agor y drws, derbyn ein gair mai'n goriadau ni oedd siwr o fod y rheiny ar dop y ddesg, ac i ffwrdd a ni. Wir, dydi rentio car rioed wedi bod mor hawdd!!! Kia bach gwyn oedd yn ein disgwyl ar y ffordd . . Fi gafodd y stint cyntaf yn y car, oedd yn golygu ffeindio'n ffordd allan o melbounre. . .mynd ar goll . . . gofyn am gyfarwyddiadau. . . . ond wir achos o ddilyn trwynau arweiniodd atom i ffeindio'n ffordd ar yr M1 tuag at Geelong. Dipyn o waith ffordd yn ein harafu, ond buan y dechreuodd arwyddion y "great ocean road" a chynyddu'r teimlad o gyffro. Stop cyflym yn Anglesea (yn anffodus, ddim son o Sir fon) . . . . . . a dyma fynd ar hyd y ffordd enwog. Lisa'n wen o glust i glust wrth sylweddoli mai ar y princess highway oedd y rhan fwaf or daith!!!!
Roedd manau golygfeydd i'w gweld ar ol pob troead bron iawn, gwnaethom stopio tair i bedair gwaith, ddim eisiau atal y siwrnai ormod, roedd y gorau i ddod, ac wir ni gawsom ein siomi wrth weld y 12 apostles. Roedd yr haul yn dechrau gwanhau wrth i ni gyrraedd, ac heb os, man siwr mai dyma'r amser gorau i'w gweld, dwin gobeithio gall y lluniau wir eich helpu i werthfaworgi'r golygfeydd. gwych.
mewn a ni i'r car, tuag at Warrambool, lle'r oedd yr hostel yn ein disgwyl, ac yn wir, unwaith eto, yr hostel neisia i ni aros yno hyd yn hyn, cyfle i ddadlwytho lluniau a chillio chydig bach yn y lolfa cyn mynd i'r gwely.
dilyn y ffordd mewn i ganol y wlad ar y ffordd nol, ac wrth wneud hynny torri hyd y daith yn ei hanner. Cyrraedd Melbourne yn gynharach na'r disgwyl, y car a ninnau yn dal i redeg, ac heb unrhyw ddent!!! Bingo!!! Profiad a hanner, heb os, boed hynny jyst o ran crwsio yn y car, gweld y golygfeydd neu gael brec o melbourne!!! Unrhyw un sydd yn trio penderfynnu tybed y dylsen fynd ac ymgymrryd yn y daith, wedyn cerwch amdani, wir, ni gewch eich siomi!!
Hwyl a haul cockles,
Sgityl & L.S
To the west of melbourne lies a road. in fact, there are many roads, but for the sake of this blog, I will mention only one. the famous Great ocean road. This costal drive offers some of the nicest natural scenery you could ever imagine seeing, I just hope the pictures give it justice.
The journey began at the 'ynotrentacar' office in St Kilda, we nervously stretched out an arm to open the door only to realise it was locked. confused glances led to a phone call, and the man which ran the shop next door came out, unlocked the door, took our word that the keys on the counter were probably ours and told us we were good to go. Seriously, renting a car could not of been easier!! In fact, renting a car should not be this easy!! A white Kia car was there on the road waiting for us, shouting out for a spin. I had the first driving stint . . which meant, getting us out of melbourne. We got lost, but following some instructions, and a lot of our own basic directional instinct we were on the crowded M1 heading west towards Geelong. A few hold ups, but the 'Great ocean road' signs started to appear, and soon we had arrived at the starting point. . . Anglesea, being welsh, this was a photo opportunity!!!
there were scenic spots to be had almost at every corner. We managed to pick and choose some, with the ultimate goal to be reached right at the end of the journey. the 12 apostles. They were well worth the wait. As we arrived, the sun was growing weaker in the sky, and without doubt, this could only increase the magnificence of the scene in front of us. I hope you can appreciate their effect through from the photos we have taken. Amazing.
back into the car and we made our way towards the hostel for that evening. Warrambool was the location of choice, and was possibly the nicest hostel we have yet to stay at in Australia. We spent the evening uploading photos, looking and re-looking at them, before chilling in the huge lounge before catching up with some sleep.
The road led us inland back to Melbounre, and by doing so we literary cut the jounrey time in half, arriving in st Kilda way before the intended time. The car and ourselves still running and in one piece. Bingo!! This was without doubt a great experience, be it for the chance to go cruising, the amazing scenery or even just the chance to get out of Melbourne. If you ever consider or get the chance to do the run yourselves, then no question, you should go for it, you won't be dissapointed.
good bye cockles.
Sgityl & L.S
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