alex's most Excellent adventures!
Today woodsy and i crossed the border of vietnam into cambodia. Straight away the difference between these two neighbouring countries couldnt have been more clear. On one side of the border the greenery of Vietnam and on the other side the very dry and dusty poor landscape of Cambodia. Having arrived in Phnom Pehn after a bone shaker of a coach journey, we are staying on the lake. Its turns at to be a real backpackers haven, where down a small dirt track next to the lake there are lots of little bars, restaurants, and guesthouses. Our guesthouse like many others here has a wooden platform that extends over the lake, where people can sit, relax with a beer and watch the sunset. Theres also pool tables, tv with dvds and hammocks, which all creates a very chilled atmosphere where im sure many a traveller has passed away a few satisfying few weeks or months.
Tommow we head off to visit the killing fields and S 21 museum to learn about the Khmer Rouge under the Pol Pot regeme and the mudering of 2 million cambodian people. So with a harrowing day in prospect no doubt, I will leave you now and chill out in a hammock with beer in hand for a while.
Will let you know how we get on tommorow!
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