hi luv itwas lovely 2 hear ur voice this morn ur dad has a cheek about sallys spelling wen his is wrong lol il c him soon enjoy perth dont worrybout getting into the bunk youll make it
Mum's sitting here at 12.00 thirsting for a Singapore ginsling after seeing hte latest pics! Told her it was toooo early! Carl got to Leeds ok. Nichola is hot footing it to Dublin becasue she got her times mixed up (so what's new!). Up early for you next leg of your trip, I suppose. Next message will be from Perth. Safe flight and we will keep watching your blog.
Love, Mum and Dad
Granda Hamilton
Hope you are having a good time!! Nichola was here (giving us a hard time) and has showed us how to use your BLOG - its great to be able to keep track of your adventures. Love from Whitehead
Hey hey nat, finally figured out this blog business. Just checked out your pics they look fab, im jealous. Glad you arrived safe and sound. Nothing new in tescos except colins STILL here!!! and now im really looking forward to meeting up-its wet and windy here. lov Janet
Just viwed the pics - looks lovely. It also looks quite empty of people! Just noticed there is no spell checker for the message board so will need to be more careful in future (Sally!) Look forward to your next blog and more photos. Love, Dad
granda has just came in he says ur not 2 chew gum wer u r ill have his life if he is having me on
hi its me again cant wait 2 read all about ur cruise im sure it must hav been great waiting on pauline cuming 2 cut my hair also waiting on foot doctor lol luv ya xxx
Anne Pinkerton
hi nat, ur blog is great, i'll keep having a wee look. Enjoy xxx
love ur pics it looks so nice.missing u loads speak 2 u soon xx
Great pictures Nat, I'm a little jealous since it is -9 and snowy here still. Enjoy the pint!
granda said he will grow u some banana leaves 2 use wen u cum home lol
yoyoyo. missing ya loads buddy! glad ur havin an awesomefantabulostastic (breathe) time. cant believe im in eeeeeeurope and ur half way across the world! hope ur loving it tho!!! xx ps its weird the way they make u do sums b4 u can post this wee message, what if i was really rubbish at maths? teeheehee