Hey Natalie! those pics look fantastic! looks nice and hot too!
Have fun! :)
Just looked at the pics - some amazing sights! Have to start working on Mum about going
Hey darlin i'm so jealous!! lol. Been reading ur blogs as you go along. My parentals did the tours of San Francisco, New Zealand, Australia & Singapore this time 2yrs ago so whenever i tell them ive another update frm u, they're in noseying too. (which normally starts them off on the 'when we were there' stories) lol. I think to be honest, theyre reliving their holiday by listening to urs gawd love them lol. Glad to hear ur having a nice time, once i get my finances sorted im planning on following ur trip, although knowing me itl be a yr or 2 yet lol. keep safe and hope alls good.
Love n Hugs
lovely 2 talk 2 u this morn i went out after all wiv davidhad a nice time hav a nice time 2 morro i will fone u wen u get 2 darwin love u natalie xxx
That was a nice wee hour long convo at tescos expense
Great blog post! Sounds wonderful except for the bugs, bites and sunburn! Don't forgrt, next time don't drink the (sea)water! We are all really jealous - it is still freezing here and wet! Some more photos when you get a chance.
Love, Mum and Dad
hey nats! hope your enjoyin australia! heard u saw a few big spiders! bet u loved that!! lol mum was sayin u wer eaten alive as well not so good!
well nats we'll speak soon!
take care
love ya x
hey!!jus read ur 10day outback blog! sounds awesome...a trip of a lifetime in intself!. cant believe its only been like 3 weeks:)missin u loads but glad ur having an awesotastic time!!! oh and i bought stardust today lol, so ill have a wee nostalgic nite!xo
Stephen N Allison.
hi natalie. have just looked at your blog +photos they are awesome +you sound as if your enjoying the trip. take care.xx
hi natalie u will soon b bac from the out bac hav tried 2fone u keep getting german answer machine thanx nichola hope ur brother reads this
Missing u loads today
Hi Natalie! WHaoooo!!!! Sounds fabulous!!! I want to be there toooo! You are going to need a new address book by the time you get home at the rate you are making new friends :) It is also a great pleasure to read Sally´s messages. Sally, I can almost hear your voice!! Dont change the spelling!!! Keep on rocking Natalie. xxx