pics of Perth look awsome. Can just imagine the heat out there.Been talking to Anne and shes getting really jealous!
Got your email about flight dates and times, think I'll wait 'till I reach Auckland and just walk up to a Qantas desk.
Working hard, as ever, even on Sundays nights doing the counts!! (Never thought I'd say that.)Everyone says Hi, and you still havn't been replaced.Maybe Suzies hoping you'll come back soon?
It's just 9 weeks till I leave, but who's counting?
Look after yourself and see you soon, Janet xx
Chris Whelan
Hi Natalie,
Boy oh boy are you enjoying yourself! With all the 'wild life' photos you're taking I'm gonna have to be very careful when compiling a Nature Round in the quiz when you return.
Your mum and dad are really missing your input in the Music Rounds at the quiz lol
Keep on having fun
Thanks for the call last night. Great to hear your voice. You really sound as if you enjoying all this. I'm getting jealous now!
I'll kep watching your blog. Loved some of the new photos.
Lots of love. Dad
Anne Pinkerton
forgot to say Kings park over looks perth city and is lovely for photos also the boat across to perht zoo is good
Anne Pinkerton
hi nats
me and davey were at rottness and also been in fenians bar for a drink on st. patricks day!!! glad ur having so much fun, speak soon xxx
hi natalie perth sounds great keep enjoying it all now 4 a laff we went 2 antrim got measured 4 my shoes oh natalie u shud c them im goin 2 go 2 the shop wer we saw the granny dress 2 match them lol dizzy izzy was askin 4 u hav 2 go nget ready 4 renal xxx
Kathy Smyth
hi natalie, sorry didn't get to say bye. following you travels online, looks like your having a fab time. take care
Wendy Crawford
hey Nats - i is so jealous!!!! you seem to be having the time of your life!!! am seriously considering flying out to meet u in de summer. If i wudn't be cramping ur style like!
love ya,
Gud aul Aus. Remember to say 'g'day' and 'mate' at every oppourtunity but try to hold back on 'that dingo ate my baby'.
Loved your random text the other day as it almost made me cry and remember if u ever wanna talk text me and il phone you to save you moolah unless it costs you to pick up.
L8r days Glenn
P.S oh yeah remember to look out for Muloch Gibbons
Hey!! Again, thanx for all your msgs its great to hear from you all! And good on Niki for getting the 2 of u on the internet Grandma and Grandda!!
Just a quick msg to let you know I'm safely in my hostel in Perth, and as you may have guessed I'm in the top bunk of a bunk bed dorm!! I cant upload pics from here either so I'll hafta find another cafe!!