hello love enjoyed our wee chat yesterday wish i was well enough to go out to you wouldnt your dad just loveit if i tagged along with him and mum lol dizzy izzy was asking about you lot of love speak to u soon granny xoxo
Anne Pinkerton
hi nat im soooo jealous, we stayed on daydream for a couple of days, picture of paradise. Take care and enjoy xxx
Just managed to get through all your pics! They're brilliant. Uluru looks great and Cairns seems to be a lovely place.
Love, Dad
Hi Adventurer!! I am really enjoying following your exploits. Thanks! I have been to our paradise family island too (Hamilton Island). Is our estate still in order? Sounds like you enjoyed the diving you big brave hard core extreme go getter. Keep at it! Love from your auntie (anagram i.e. a nut)
Stephen + Allison
hi natateiil. ive just hit wrong letters to chat +cant delete them.duh? your photos are brilliant. take care. xx
Anne Pinkerton
hi nat, ayres rock and alice springs are fabulous aren't they, glad ur having a great time , speak soon xxx
hi natalie how r u wat is alice springs like cant wait 2 c wat u bought urself im not going 2 try an spell it i can picture u at the parties doing ur party piece wiv it lots of love talk 2 u soon xxx
the photos look amazing. youre making us so jealous.take care speak to you soon xx
soooooooooo jealous
Chris Whelan
Great photos Nats, I can think of some folk I would want to send swimming with those crocs lol
No need to ask if you're enjoying yourself
Hey Nats,
Ur pics look fab, really cant wait to get out and join you. sent you an bebo email. catch up soon. :)
Anne Pinkerton
hi natalie
looks like your having a fantastic time, the blogs and photos are great, im enjoying them all xxx