Your photos just after Zorbing are SO FUNNY!!!! WHao! And - you look GREAT! Really sporty and happy. I love all the necklaces and the shorty shorts! Keep cruising n grooving!! xxxx
At last! Made it through all your photos! NZ looks lovely and some pics it looks like home. Zorb looked great fun and you look funny coming out with your goggles on. Keep blogging! Love, Dad.
Nearly throuh your one but last album. I take all the people singing and all are famous. I didn't recognise any of them. Mind you, there was a guy with a perm who looks a spit for Jordan! Helicopters and jumping out of planes! - not the Nat we know and love. Did you read your don't be scared about flying stuff before you went up? Keep blogging. Love Dad
Hi. Finally ctaching up. Got through your blogs and everything sounds great. I'm sure you are over your flight delay and I can imagine you and Janet's re-union - no onions required! Starting on your photos - according to Mum it will take a while!
Keep blogging - love Dad
Mum told me Susan Kennedy is like a massive actress over there so :) u on the autograph oooo wonder if its worth loads. Ebay here you come
Anne Pinkerton
hi nat
just wanted to say hi before u leave oz for the next part of ur adventure. Keep the blogs and photos coming, im enjoying them all xxx
Hey der Nats, long time no chat. you really do seem to be having the time of your life!!!
did i tell ya i been applying for jobs in aus? Well jus been offered a temp 1 over der and a permanent post over ere so decisions to be made!!!!
I am gona get round to giving u a ring som time soon for a chin wag (oh so had a water chestnut moment last nite - was in stitches and no1 cud understand y!!!)
Chat you soon
loadsa luv
Wendy XoX
Yet another blog that leaves us all sooooo jealous. Enjoy the rest of Ozland. Love, Dad
Say hello to everyone from me. Looking forward to seeing some of them at Gladys wedding. Love Dad
forgot 2 say last nite well i dont hav 2 tell u im stupid u already no lol
how r u love still enjoying urself it wont b long until u meet up wiv Janet wish i cud c u climbing sydney bridge was in spoons wiv mum n dad n granda i got dropped off there was very loud in itbut made a change 4 me talk2 u soon bye xoxo
NOOOO!!!! gutted. No P. Sherman of 42 Wallaby Way but yay that u remembered to check. screw it im txting u now. lol