G'day sheila's and blokes!!
This will be my last entry from Perth, I'm leaving tomorrow for a 10 day tour up the West Coast ending up in Broome! I'm not in my normal Internet cafe and I'm having problems uploading pics so I won't waste my time getting all annoyed! You will all just have to wait patiently!
Well wot have I been up to? I left you on Wednesday... so Thursday, ah yes, my chill out day!! I relaxed today and just walked around the shops trying to stay cool as it was 40 degrees!! I bought postcards and started writing them. But honestly it was too hot to do anything!! Is it bad that I can't remember exactly wot I did? My diary is in the hostel so I guess I can fill you in next time if I've missed anything vital! I had a Red Rooster for lunch which is the equivalent of a KFC, but they also have KFCs here! After walking round the shops (ah its all coming back to me!) I went back to the hostel and hung out with Jess and Claire in our room. Me and Claire then went to the lounge and watched Fight Club! Then we just headed back to the room for an early nite!
Friday was a lot cooler, thank God!! I had to change rooms again as I extended my stay again! So I'm now in a 4 bed mixed dorm, with 2 guys and another girl. Not so bad! Ian, a Welshie, is really nice! John is quiet and left on Sat! I met up with Emma and we dandered round the shops looking for a bikini for her (her dad posted hers to the wrong address!!). Is is bad that the staff in the surf shops recognised me from the day before? Maybe it was coz I was wearing the same clothes!). We didnt find her one but I bought myself new blue flip flops to go with the dress Noreen got me for my Birthday! So once we finished in the shops we went to Cottesloe Beach, an amazing beach just South of Perth! It was beautiful! I didn't go swimming tho, but just sunbathed and listened to Emmas Ipod... sooo good to hear music again!! So we belted out Backstreet Boys, Take That and Kanye... I'm sure people were looking! We then headed up to the hostel where we got ready for heading out on the town with Jess and Claire, for their leaving do! We went to the Shed, and me and Emma weren't allowed in coz we were wearing soft thongs as they call them (foam flip flops to me and you!). I was gutted, all dressed up with nowhere to go!! So me and Emma just went to dinner in this grill place, where Emma ordered off the menu (she got carbonara which wasn't on the menu) and we both got a glass of wine on the house... Happy days! After dinner we went our seperate ways. I think the plan is to meet in Cairns and travel down the East Coast together!
Ok, Saturday... I went to Fremantle for the day. I spent a while looking round the huge markets they have there then went to Fremantle Prison for the rest of the afternoon. It was great, full of interesting facts and stories about people escaping or trying to escape! I wont bore you with them now, this blog is long enough lol. After coming back to Perth (having a drama with the tickets resulting in a police man writing me a note for the guards in Perth!!) I had a McDonalds (shame!) then just went back to the hostel (I think) where I foned home! It was good talking to the pair of you!!
And today, well I woke up late, and then came into the city for shopping!! I went to Harbour Town (a huge discount mall, like Junction 1 only twice as big!). It was really good. But didnt buy anything there! Then came back to the city and looked around for a bit. I bought myself a new top which came with a free bag! Yay!! Its just been a very relaxing few days so not so interesting for you guys at home to read! I'm heading back to the hostel soon to get myself all packed up and ready for my big Western adventure! I've declared myself a veggie for the duration of the trip so no risk of eating kangaroo!!
Well, I guess thats it! I've loved every second of Perth and am very sad to be leaving it! Doesn't feel like I've been here a week! Shame I didn't get to do everything, but then again just gives me a reason to come back!!
You'll probably not hear from me now for 10 days as I'm roughing it a few nights, and doubt there'll be internet in the middle of the outback! So the next time you'll hear from me will probably be in Broome!!
Take it easy... love and miss you all xxxx
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