the train ride to xi an was more uncomfortable than the last train, and there we not partitian things at the end so we were all exposed, it got bright to early and i was up for ages. I was worried as i had been put in a separate compartment by myself and the people wouldnt move to let me put my bags in so i got a bit flustered and upset, but xin was able to get the person to wap so i was in with everyone else! trauma over! the view of th city wall was very cool as we came in but our hotel was right in the center so we didnt see it for long. We had arranged to go for lunch but i felt really sleepy and we wanted to do some washing so i, yes me, hand washed all of our dirty you didnt expect to hear that sentence!! I had a shower and we decided to explore, but it was grey and miserable and that horrible spittty rain i hate so we soon went back to the room and played tetris on the tv!! We saw the drum and bell towers which were pretty cool but we didnt really find any wow factor here, maybe it was the weather im not sure. we went to a market and i have never seen so many crabs and fish stuffed into tanks, it was mad. A man was selling puppys and you know me, i couldnt take my eyes off them, but a man pullled one out of his pocket and held it out to me so i had to leave before i brought it, they were so teeny and cute!! We went too a market near the hotel and i wanted a scarf but someone brought it before me so to make me feel better tony took me for a banana spli at a dairy queen, tony was popular with the gay man behind the till!!!
in the evening we met dave, juliet and sarah and had dinner of meet on a stick, its amazing i would never just eat things like that at home but here they are everywhre and taste so damn good!! we headed for bar street, got a bit lost, and eventually found it but it was expensive ber and not much atmosphere so we went to a hostel round the corner. Juliet left after a couple of hours but dave and sarah (our drinking buddies!!!) stayed out for a couple more. We stopped to get meat on a stick as our very late night snack (its like a kebab after the pub but nicer!) but we had to sit at kiddie tables on toddler chairs!! good job im used to it! but dave is rather tall so it didnt look too comfy! in the moring we were meant to meet for breakfast, they knocked for us but we overslept a tad! not good!
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