Tasha on her travels
well back in thailand after another long journey! getting used to it now tho and the bumpiness didnt seem half as bad, nor did the sweaty border crossing! all good fun! well its thai new year ..the year 2549 so im in the future! they celebrate with a 3 day water fewstival which basically means everywhere in the city ( but mainly koshan road where were staying) gets each other with water guns and also a nice mix of flour and clay which they put on your face!
so we bought our water guns and off we went, well as u can imagine we got well and trluly drowned and ended up white with so much clay on us! got some great phots ill put them on later, didnt get many of main street tho as no way could have taken camera out in that! there were literally thousands of people getting each other, my army gun traiing came into play but unfortunately my weapon malfunctioned and fell apart n\and the new one i bought was so tiny! all the guys around, being guys had bought the biggest guns possible and loved drenching us to death! it was soooooo much fun and everyone was so in the spirit of things of all ages etc and no one took it too far atall! after drying off we decided to make our selves look half decent before meeting back up with amys friends from jersey. unforuntaely as they didnt find us we had to brave the street to find them and by time we did we were drowned rats again with makeup running down our faces! we had a fe drinks and got back into it. there were even more people out on the night and i was freezing by end as was soo wet and covered in clay1 it was absolute madness but sooo much fun! very bizarre! so finally we decided to go to bed and i had to shower fully dressed just to get rid of the clay! finally passed out late one trying to sleep through banging music everywhere! amy and rhi got up at about 6am to go in search of food (in all chaos wed not eaten dinner!) and outside everyone was still at it and they got attacked! weve moved guesthouses now and are just chilling inside as literally stepping outside is to risk certain flour bombing and water squirting! it last for three days, we have no clean clothes now!! just chiling here for while then meeting back up with the lads later on before they fly to bali tomoz. ill post some more pictures soon as we have free internet here! lots of love xxxxx
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