Sorry i have been rubbish in keeping in contact, im just rubbish! At the minute i am having lots of interviews with no success, very stressful ,need a holiday so i dont want to talk to you when you come back brown and relaxed!! Seems like you are having an amazing time, v jealous. Everything is the same here, except its only me and jen now zo has gone bird watching! Nothing else to report, see you in a few weeks
Lots of love
Hey Tasha,
Looking forward to coming home? Bet not! Hope the weather is warmer for you in Fiji I know how disappointed you'll be if you come back anything less than super brown!
Thanks for your email. Had such a bad week - not only did we lose Mac at the wkend, but my cat died yesterday too. Can't believe it- poor dennis is now left all on own and will hardly venture outside. They say bad luck comes in threes I'm worried what's coming next :-( Mum, dad and me are all flying in the next wk, I'm getting cold feet!
On a happier note, I'm off to Milan next wkend! Yay! When are you back? I'm in Leeds for Karen's hen do on 20th July perhaps we can coordinate something? I cld stay with you either before or after..... Take care, enjoy the last stretch of your hol. Speak soon xx
Glad all continues to go we'll. Even if much of it worries mum, I just look on the bright side!
Envious of you on a minute by minute basis. Mum and I intend to be come the 'grey years, gap year people', but hopefully before we retire/die.
Plans are now afoot for your return to civilisation and reality. I've nearly completed the inpeniterable home security concrete reinforced wall, the Israele's have nothing on my wall!
The builders assure me it the walls will only allow wage earners in !
Looking forward to seeing you soon, am I seriously ill?!
Love Dad
soooooo glad you didn't tell me abpit the frasnz josef glacier before you did it. we would hv eworried to deth. sonds amazing though tsash, chance of a life time so pleased yoy went for it, proud of you. whars the news e rhia is she staying cant say i bla e her. go for it. the woeld is a small place really. have fun love mum xxx
More than happy to pay for you to jump out of a plane! Willing to pay double if you take the 'non parachute' option! I'm assuming both options inlude some serious insurance options. Remember Neil!
Glad to hear/see all continues to be going well/ace Rhia seems to have a massive decision to make. I think she should say yes and invite Mum and I for a bi-annual holiday freebee,
Look after the old, Well mum anyway.
Love you, see you soon
hi tashpot ,got back from beautiful sunny devon yesterday. had a great time and did plenty of walking, our legs are killing us now!! bryan, jane, dad and i had a really good time and decided to stay on for a few more days becasue the weather iw so good. better than nz i think!!! super photos , surfbabe. i bet irs so diferent to oz still you will be in fiji shortly and back to the lovely tans. looking forward to seeing you and hearing the tales. will email you at some point love mums and
Oggie & Grandma
27th May - Hi Tasha/ Got your lovely postcard this morning from WhitSunday Islands. It has made remarkably good time in getting here.So glad that you are having a good time. We have had lots of rain so far, little summer sun, weather improvement must be waiting for you to get back to UK. Everyone here is OK. your Mum and Dad are off to Devon for a few days break tomorrow. Your Dad had been in the TV news a lot lately. showing the new Minister of Education around his school. Gabby had good news yesterday after her interview, she starts a new teaching post in September at Estcourt Primary with a class of 9/10 year old. She is delighted and we are all so pleased for her- a good birthday present this year. We enjoy reading your journal news- keep it up.I bet you are feeling a little nippy in New Zealand after the Aussie sun.Lots of love from us both - missing you Grandma and Oggie XXXXX
hi taas, no doubt you will be in the air going to nz now. we have just got bsck from lazaat and they all send their best wishes. weather here has been bizarre-torrential rain ala tropics followe3d by hailatorms. i was playin canute holding basck the flood at school tto no avail however as two classrooms are ruined with half the field washed away in a river.. great ah well noone was hurt. locally there were a number of problems . lazaat was flooded out as was the gym. we go away to devon on sunday lets hope the weather improves a bit. everyone is ok here, envtying your exploitsa.. dad and i may travel to meet you at heathrow by train ans stay over the friday and satueday in london and buy you a ticket with us back to hull. what do you reckon.. take care in emu country. love lots mum xxxx
well papa sounds like i have a celebrity dad! hope you were in the papers for all the right reasons!! missing you all, but not ready to come back yet! seems like it drawing to an d end but got quite a while to go yet almost 3/4 way through! xxx
Pleased to hear all continues to be 'amazing'!! here.
You'll be pleased to know you missed my most recent appearance in both the local and national press. Yes this even included me on national television.... with my boys! and the new Secreatary of State for Education!! You've either got it or not. who needs the Whit Sundays, Australia, or 'amazing, amazing, amazing, when you've a job like mine!!
Really cannot understand what you see in all this globe trotting!!
Mum's planning your return. I'm changing the locks!
See you soon
Love your local Celeb
Hey Tasha,
Wow you're really living it up down under! I read your journal a lot at work, please update it more! Hehe. At the moment I'm slaving away at some coursework for the diploma, due in tomorrow and still so much to do - a year of working and my timing is no better :-( I hope you're managing to take lots of photos still - on someone's camera! When are you back? The girls are getting together on the 2nd June for a shipwrecked Lcr - shame you won't be there but I'm sure you'll be on an amazing beach somewhere anyway! We should arrange something fun for when you're back.... take care, love etc Mina xxx
just fantastic hearing about what an amazing time you are having and constantly wish we had the chance to do the same. enjoy every minute of it. you have a busy time next year. have you heard any more re residence next year. gabs has an interview next week which is good news. looking forward rto you downloading some more pics to make use even greener. take care out in the wild, no strokingof dingos please. lots love mum