The next day we left Rio (I actually nearly cried!! I LOVE RIO!!!) for Sau Paulo. We weren´t originally going to go there but our Brazillian friends told us The Hives were playing a gig there so we thought "why not". I´m so glad we did cos it was a brilliant gig!! The crowd was awesome and their guitarist is mental!! ha ha!! The ext day we had a little look around the Japanese quarter in sau Paulo and then got a night bus to Florianopolis.
We arrived in Florianopolis the next morning and slept...for ages!! ha ha!! The two main things to do in Florianopolis are watersports and party. Due to my fot and antibiotics, I couldn´t really do either, ha ha!! It was lovely to relax though, had a look around the town and went to a turtle sanctuary whilst we were there. Also may have done some whale spotting, although none of us can be sure, ha ha!!
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