ok so you are officially destined never to see my photos!!! i think its actually a problem with the STA travel blog site so i shall resort to facebook when ive written this and upload some that way (fingers crossed)
cool so im now in vang vieng which is again really cool and emily and i have decided that laos is our favourite holiday destination and it is officially gangster!!! well actually more hippie but hey! im not joking it really is like hippie central here its cool and i ahve joined the flip flop crew and now own my own pair! i bartered (or however you spell it) for them. were getting good at this bartering business now they will say a 50000 kip and you go "oooh no maybe i dont want it" and they go "oh ok il give it to you for 45000" and you go how bout 20000 and they laugh at you like hey your taking the piss now and say ok 25000 and you go ok cheers! its fun lol.
we went for the elephant ride yesterday and it was really cool me and emily shared an elephant called tonkow or something like that so we called him either tonky baby, the tonkster or tonky tonkster and he was a bit of a rebel and kept wanting to go in front of all of the other elephants! i have some cool pictures and maybe one day you will actually get to see them lol
were going for another bike ride tomorrow in the morning and then in the afternoon were going tubing!!! which is sitting in a inner tube from a tractor tyre and floating down the river being pulled in everynow and again to a bar along side the river good times! our tour guide stephen had to say gap tours does not condone this activity and neither do i lol then we asked him what he was doing tomorrow and he said oh i dont know i might be on a tube lol our hotel we are staying in is so sweet from the outside its a mini village of bungalow thingys with little verandas with benches and it overlooks the most amazing view ever of this massive river and humongous mountains and forests on the other side, again you may see a picture one day lol
it is so HOT here yesterday and today we thought we might actually keel over and die in the heat! we went to a royal palace temple thing today in luang prabang before we left to come here and it was only about 9 10 in the morning but it was horribly hot and we all had to go back and shower before we left because its so ridiculously hot and humid but it cooler now and we actually keep wishing for rain. the sky at the moment is dark obviously because its night time but every now and again there is massive flashes of lightening in the distance which looks really nice.
i dont know what else to ramble on about now so i shall try and upload some piccys onto facebook so check it out if you can.
thanks for the messages i will reply one day when ive sorted the pictures it just takes up all of my time on the computers lol hope everyones good!
lots of love me
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