Well Halla-Bloody-lujah (or however you spell it!)
Ive been on this computer for over half an hour trying to sort my photos (which hasnt worked because its so slow and crap) and write you a blog but its taken me absolutely ages!)
anyhoo less moaning about pc's and more telling you about me nearly dieing!!! lol mom stop having a panic attack because i am alive, yesterday we went for a motorbike ride!!!!!! and it was one of the coolest things ive ever done as well and the most terrifying lol we went out at about half 3 and came back at 8! when it was dark and bugs were wacking me in the eyes and face good times! we went all around the back roads which were not actually roads but muddy, rocky paths and up steep hills etc we saw local villages and people and a cool waterfall though. and yes i did wear a very fetching helmet and no i dont no how fast i went because my speedometer was broken lol it was well cool though! (seriously mom it was that bad and im not dead) (dad are you proud!!!) well now that ive scared the worriers il tell you about today which was much less near fatal, we went kayaking all day which was really fun, emily and i sgared a kayak (which i dont actually think was a kayak but oh well) which was cool but emily - bless her - didnt get the whole steering part until after lunch but after that we were bleeding geniuses!!! there were little rapidy bits too which were fun and we spent much of the morning under trees and being covered by bugs but we soon got the hang of it. i was happy a particular genius manouver and as i shouted out "i am a kayaking genius!" i fell right off the end a plopped right in the river! the comedy timing was actually brilliant! and it was really over cast and i just didn think about the sun so ive got well pink arms and knees lolllll we stopped and ate some local lao food on banana leaves too which was really good.
oh and btw for those who are unsure this place is called Laos (pronounced with the s) and the people are lao people and the food is lao food etc
also the boys have been taking the piss out of emily this entire trip for being posh because she comes from oxford and talks a little bit posh and they joke they are her servants or bodygaurds lol they call her ma lady, now they've started taking the piss out of me and my thick brummie accent (apparently) and so mike repeats almost everything i saw in a really thick brummie accent! they call me lady brum lolllllll they also call emily lady bruce (because she told us how she used to be fat and get called bruce bogtrotter from matilda) so we are lady brum and lady bruce on an adventure lolll they are also obsessed with me and jasper carrot which i dont appreciate because i dont even really like him lolll.
i cant remember what i havent told you about but oh yeh jinghong was absolutely lovely and reminded me a little bit of and mini america with a chinese twist. we went on another nike ride there too which was cool but katies chain fell off so i fixed it and got black oil all over me then forgot about it and wiped it all over my face lol then phil got a puncture so he couldnt ride his bike so me and him shared amys bike because it had a seat thing on the back and i was the smallest person to be carried lol it was good for me though because my bike had the most uncomfortable seat and my butt was killing!
i hope thats enough rambling for now and i promise i will really try and get my stupid pictures to work next time. we've got a nine hour bus ride to luang prabang tomorrow so itl probably be the next day. hope you are all good and thank you so much for all your messages they really make me laugh and its great to hear from you. also i will reply to peoples msgs soon lol ive run out of time today though.
lots of love
Lady Brum aka motorcycle and kayak legend!!!
ps my motor bike was green and called a fekon which made me chuckle!
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