Hello again!
Im in that hotels lobby again pretending to be a guest so i can use the internet so may be kicked off soon so if this end prematurely then sorry! none of us can find an interent cafe but were leaving bejing tonight anyway to get the night train (cool!) to shanghai!
China is HOT! its been like 28-30 degrees everyday so far and people yes it is happening i am getting a tan! and apparently thailand is like 37!!!
yesterday we did the great wall which was flippin steep!!! i thought my legs were going to die but it was brilliant and got some cool pics which btw should be uploading whilst i speak but i wouldnt hold your breath lol. Im sorry but i havent time to sort out the crap ones so ignore them lol (there is s*** loads of the forbidden city sorry!) also annesha and sophie im sorry for my lack of photography skills :-P
Ive started writing in my book too and ive done about 12 pages already so i know theres more to say but my brain is mushed and i cant remember stuff oooh yeh we did a bike ride today all around beijing and i thought i was actually going to die as they drive like mad men and have no fear! mum if saw it you would have crapped your pants! but it was amazing and no our bums really hurt lol the food is great too i dont even love chinese food at home but that is utter poop compared to what we have had this stuffs lovely!
im going to try and do the photos now fingers crossed! and il find an internet cafe in shanghai for more update! :-D
love you xxxxxxxxxxxx
ps i did the photos but only half (yes half there is more!) uploaded and i cant be arsed to do the rest and i have to go get the train so enjoy the few that are there byeeee
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