im such a dufus! i have just spent like over half an hour typing you the best blog ever (well just more ramblings from me lol) and then pressed some stupid button on this stupid sticky keyboard and lost it all!!!!!!!!!!! it was good as well!!! im a moron!
ok anyhoo - i havent got much time left but its ok because it only costs 30p an hour for this internet cafe! woop woop! everything is sooooo cheap over here there are 10 yuen to a pound so everything seems so cheap, although we have got used to it already and when something is like 20 yuen were like oooh thats a bit expensive for a bike for the whole day and then we realise no thats well cheap because its only 2 quid! i havent had a meal over 3 pound yet either! nice!
thank you for all your messages i love reading them and they make me laugh out loud like a crazy english freak lol
i got the overnight train from beijing to shanghai last night and it arrived and 7 this morning and it was so fun and clean! there was four to a room so we swapped 2 chinese people for two of us in one of the rooms and most of us piled in and had a "party room" lol we had ipod speakers, snacks and beers, sprites and cokes good times!!! there was a baby in mike and warrens room though that sounded like it had swine flu lol or at least that was the joke of the night! i think it might have moved in the end but it was funny because it was like they were scared of it lollll. oh yeh mike and warren are two guys from down south near brighton, amy is my roomie from london whos lovely, emily is from oxford, phil and katie are from london, kirsty and steve are from essex (im surrounded by english southerners!!!) phong is from the netherlands, linda is from texas and crystal is from calgary, canada, and stephen is our tour leader from melbourne oz who is orders good food lol! we all get on really well and have a laugh as you will have seen in the pics. oh yeh and the foot fettish is phil and katies lol they have to get a photo of all our feet wherever we go and that spread to doing silly group photos which the locals love and join in! its still hilarious how they are amazed by us and want there picture taken with them, or make really non-discreet pictures of us by getting there friends to pose somewhere near us lol and loads poeple shout helloooooo when we go past which is also funny.
did the shanghai museum today which was ok but a little samey samey then some of the others went up the second tallest tower in the world and emily and i went to try and find the old part of town but i dont think we did lol but we did find really nice ice creams ... well mine was hers was some freaky red bean flavour that i had the other day lol they love that red bean and will put it in anything!
just realised the time! weve gotta go get ready for din dins soon, i would have put up the rest of the photos from the other day and the new ones from today (theres s*** loads lol ive taken probably 300 already!) but this stupid computers usb port doesnt work so il have a try tomorrow :-D
hope your all good and will speak to you soon
love youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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