Helloooo there!
Well im now in Bolivia which is cool and im at the hotel where my tour starts so im just killing time until i go and meet the group later on! I looked on the board though and there is only 5 of us i the group so itl be like a VIP tour lol! and because there is an odd number ive ended up with a room to myself which is cool to, not that id mind sharing but at least i can make as much mess as i want now and no one will know! The hotel is called Residencial Rosario which just makes me think of Rosario from Will and Grace and makes me laugh! If youve seen my facebook status youll have noticed that im in La Paz (obviously) and its the highest capitol city in the world i read on wikipedia today! which maybe why i cant breath!!! thats such an exaggeration! i can breath it just feels like i have to work harder at it lol! mom chill i have my inhalers lolllll Anyhoo the hotel is lovely!! its so sweet and looks almost mediteraneany and cute! they have a fairtrade shop in the bottom too which ive yet to check out and the internets free good times!!!!!!!!
Ive just realised that its about half 2 or 3 (i dont know which clock is right lol) and all ive eaten today has been 3 biscuits and a chocolate (that was the snack the airline gave me when i flew here this morning) so no wonder im practically wasting away and dieing of malnutrition - ok so maybe that is also a little over exaggerated but i am well hungry!
When i was in chile (since the last blog) i went up Santa Cristobel which is a massive massive hill thing in the middle of the city and you have to take the funicular (train thing that goes up the hill) to get to the top and then you get the cable cars down but when we went the cable cars werent working and i met a lovely couple from Ireland who i tagged along with for the day and we decided to be energetic and walk down instead but didnt realise quite how long the track down was! it took us ages but was actually a really nice walk and we got some good views of the entire city as the smog cleared up as we were there. To get there in the first place i decided again to be energetic and walk and it took me about an hour to get there, so my feeties were a little sore that night! but it was worth it i saw way more than if i had just taken the subway. I did take the subway back though with Kathryn and Michael and it was actually quite nice, way more spacious and bright underground than london.
The hostel had a different woman on reception after the 1st 2 nights as well so i asked her if i could have dinner and she looked dubious and then phoned someone and said yes as long as i go 1st so i did and it was actually quite nice and saved dragging someone out with me to eat! The other night some of the girls bought a couple of bottles of wine for about 40000 pesos which is under 4 pounds!!! the white was quite nice and the red was actually one of tesco´s finest!!! we found that quite hilarious that we were sat in chile supposedly drinking authentic chilean wine when really it said Finest around the top in that silver foil stuff and the side of the bottle said something like distrubuted by and for Tesco! We enjoyed it all the same! Oooh and you´ll be pleased to know any of you that looked up the Plaza Da Armas and thought omg what an idiot how did she miss that! that i did find it and in my defence i didnt know what i was looking for when i went first lol! its this massive square with museums and churches all round the edges which are really beautiful and actually look quite european. They had lots of artists painting and selling their stuff in middle to which was good to look around. It was like proper art not tourist tat.
I think thats safely enough for today and no doubt il more and more now im back on a tour and will be doing much exciting things woop woop!!!! me cannot wait!!!!! Speak to you soon love youuuuuuuuuus xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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