Nat and Nik's Adventures
We spent a day at the Hunter Valley which was great, but not long enough! We went out early in the morning and met John the Pom, (a friend of my Uncle Alan's) at the bus station. He drove us, (in my uncle Roy's old car!!) to his house in the heart of the valley. It was absolutely beautiful! He has a fantastic view. Also, at the end of his drive way there is a small vineyard called Petersons where we went first of all and tasted a lot of the wines there! After we felt a little tipsy, we went off to our second wine tasting at another vinyeard. It was so nice to taste some proper wine instead of the cheap box wine we have been drinking! We then went to yet another vineyard and then went to the restaurant where he works. It was a lovely restaurant and we saw the great accommodation there with themes such as Moulin Rouge and the love boat!!!! John then took us to a local pub for a drink before we caught the bus back to the city. It is a lovely area and thanks so much to John for showing us around and making us feel welcome!
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