On the way here our ferry broke down and we had to jump across to another ferry, so what should have been a 2 hour journey took ages, but it was burning hot, so we used the time to catch the sun. When we got on a boat that actually moved it was great and we got to see some really nice beaches. When we arrived mid day it was even hotter and an English women said we could leave our bags in her shop while we looked for a room. There were hundreds of people arriving on the island at the same time and accommodation at nearly everywhere was full (there was people that had to sleep on the beach the night before). Luckily we found a guesthouse, which said we could have a bamboo hut quiet cheap. ( its a smaller island and popular so the prices are higher). We took the hut and soon realised it was actually a staff room. It has a bed and a roof so it's ok, apart from the ants. We have actually done ok out of it as it has got a TV and surround sound which we can hook the i pod up to and music booms out for miles! not even the more expensive rooms have that! Ha!
It's a lively place and the nightlife is good here. We found a beach bar called Hippies, which puts on really good fire shows. On the first night we went there they was having a half moon beach party - good, but nothing compared to the full moon party on Had Rin. This is where we met Matt and Gemma from Bath and Chris from Adelaide, we had a good laugh that night.
Last night we went to a caberet show, it was hurrendous, it was all men dressed as women, got a few pics, but camera ran out !
We have had a couple of days doing nothing but laze on a beach and top up our tans. It reached 45 degrees today and was burning hot. The sea doesn't cool you down either as thats hot too!
Tomorrow we are going on a four island tour, which includes monkey island and Phi Phi Lei where "The Beach" was filmed. Going to go snorkling too around different places. Matt and Gemma went and they saw dolphins! Hope we do!
Phi Phi is where the Tsunami hit worst, even two years later they are still rebuilding and in places you can see the distruction it caused. Everything was wiped out and they had to start all over again. They are starting to build some nice places now though. There are Tsunami signs all along the front saying "incase of earthquake get to high ground inland" - It must be so frightening.
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