Kho Samui - We planned on getting an early night the night before our flight, but we met a couple from Hull and two London lads. They took us to another part of bangkok, called Pang Pong, which is was quiet a way out, where all the shows and pubs where and there was a night market too. We had a drink and watched the ping pong show, which was like sticky vicky and then headed back to Khao San Rd for more drinks. The couple from Hull had gone by then and we stayed with Mark and Alex and we also met a wiered guy called Christof, so he stayed with us too. We stayed up all night and slept on the plane all the way there! Samui airport is tiny!
There were a couple of Aussie guys on our minibus, who was going to the "same same" resort, who also didn't have anywhere to stay, so we sat down on a bench in the street with all the bags and they went and found us somewhere to stay. Bonous! We headed straight for the beach, fell asleep, and burnt badly! Factor 30/50 all the way now!
When we was out walking on the night we saw Cameron and Jeremy (the Aussie lads), so they gave us a lift back on thier motorbikes, cos we had walked miles. While we was out we saw a whole pig on a skewer in the street - Loz found it real disturbing! Ha ha! We hung out in our local bar for a bit chatting to the English girl and Thai lad that work there, then went back to our room. Cameron and Jeremy knocked to see if we wanted to go out cos there was nothing to do , Loz was tiered and feeling kak cos she had burnt one side of her face and it was on fire, but I went out till about 2am, to a club called Green Mango, it was good, so we are heading back there tonight! There was a Halloween Party going on , so we got some bed sheets and went as ghosts! There was only a few people dressed up, but the locals loved it! We kept creeping up on people in shops and making them jump (you have to make something out of nothing here). We got glow in the dark face paint and was on the stage and everything! He He! We met loads of people and it turned out to be a good night. There are hundreds of ladyboys and lots in drag too, it's just like been back in Fuel. Lovin it!
Today we hired a motorbike, it was sooo funny. Loz was designated driver! We got to the first corner at the top of our street and fell off the thing! Loz took the fall, but we are ok, apart from a few grazes, cuts and bruises (in Loz's case)! Once we figured the bike out, it was ok. After that we couldn't turn any corners, so we pushed it across the road (lucky for us the is only one main road here, so there was not many corners to turn) We went right round the island and took about 1 1/2 hours! Not much here really, our beach is ok, but it is not as beautiful as we imagined. Going to Phan Gan tomorrow, we have to catch a boat (our bags alone will probably fill the boat, they are massive and driving us insane already). There will be loads of warm up partys before the full moon party on the 5th Nov, so it will be great , everyone you talk to is heading there! The beaches are supposed to be nice there too! Let you know how it goes soon.
Oh by the way, just to make you all feel better, it is a monsoon here the rain is bouncing off the road, but it is still 30dg. It is the end of the rainy season now (that is what this full moon party is celebrating - as Loz read in the book) Hopefully, should stop raining soon, cos we are gonna spend a lot of money on beer!
Love Nadz and Loz xx
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