Neil's Round the World Trip!
I finally arrived in Singapore after an exhausting 12 hour flight and collected my luggage which was a little wet (my contact lens solution had exploded in the cargo hold). I somehow managed to navigate my way through the modern, spacious concourse and eventually reached the train station. The train was prompt and once on board I realised what a cultural melting pot this place is: Muslim Indonesians, Indians, Malaysians, Chinese and Tamil faces all surrounded me.
I arrived at my desired station and got a taxi to my hostel which is located on a hill overlooking the downtown area, so you get a superb view at night from the Roof Top Bar. My first impressions of the city were of lush tropical parkland and luxury apartments. Also there seems to be restaurants and shopping malls everywhere, construction sites and plenty of advertisements.
There is also a very conservative atmosphere that is reflected in the laws and customs. For example if you chew gum on the metro $500 fine, smoke on metro $1000, and inappropriate behaviour towards a woman merits 70 rattan strokes (corporal punishment!).
I went into the city today with an Austrian guy called Dave Winkel from my hostel. He took me to a Thai restaurant in a foodcourt, which is basically 30 restaurants crammed into a shopping mall. He's been here since Christmas and leaves for China tomorrow.
The foodcourt was really something. There were live crabs and lobsters sitting blinking at you in a dish for $5. You really have to see it to believe it! The meal was too spicy though! I also think there was some suspicious meat in there along with the squid, prawns and lemon grass. I sat out on the rooftop terrace with Dave and chatted whilst we were devoured by mozzies (Mum-the mozzie repellent you gave me doesn't work so if I get Dengue Fever you're to blame!) The Singapore skyline is spectacular, especially at night.
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