Finally left Perth after 3 and a bit months . it was long over due . But the Mustang bar kept taking my money , which meant i couldn't afford to leave !! Started to get bored off the place aswell especially in the last couple of weeks . As everyone i knew left or got thrown out for drunken behaviour . Which meant i had to make new friends , and i couldn't be arsed ! A few of us did finish Perth off with a day at the WACA watching the cricket . 40*c heat laying on a grass embankment , with a local beverage in hand . One of the best days i've had so far .
Thought it'd be a good idea to head for Sydney on the train (only a 66 hour trip). It wasn't the best idea i've ever had , i only had a seat. So i didn't get hardly any sleep for 3 days. People were laying on any bit of floor space they could find, it was like a train of refugee's. Great travelling across the Nullabor desert one day and through the Blue Mountains the next, though. I even found a burger king in the middle of the outback, i had to dive in thought it would've been rude not to try a whoppper, it tasted just the same as everywhere else in the world.
Sydney compared to perth is like being in a different country. There's so much more going on, it's a much faster way of life, which i needed after so long in Perth. Still can't be arsed to make any effort to talk to new people . I've not had time though, think i've walked about 8,000 miles since being in Sydney . Done all the touristy things Harbour Bridge , Opera House even went to see a play there ! made me feel very sofisicated, what what ! loving Bondi Beech to , you've never seen so many fit women in such a small space in your life . I'm walking round like a tripod nearly all the time i'm there !!! the beech is nice to.
The hostel I'm in is the noisiest place i've ever stopped in, the bar next door goes off every night. In the 4 days i've been here the police have been 3 nights running. Been lucky that 6 of us from Perth have found a flat over looking Bondi Beech that we can move into in a couple of weeks for christmas and new year .
Hope thing's are going well for everyone back home. Laters the Foreskin Nibbler. cheers snuffeluficus
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