Waking up in a foreign place is one of the best feelings a vagabond can have. The day is new and the future is wide open. We will spend the next 2 or 3 days exploring Lima, gathering any last minute supplies and getting a feel for this country that will be our home for the next 3 months or so.
Last night we got picked up at the airport by a taxi sent by our hostel and the airline didn't lose or break our bags, so we are off to a great start! I am currently sitting in one of the many communal rooms at Pay Purix hostel surrounded by fellow travelers and eating a free breakfast, life is good. Today our biggest challenge will be finding transportation from this hostel into the heart of Lima, about an hour drive. The best part about traveling is that even the most mundane parts of life, like finding a bus or taking a shower, become an exciting adventure. My Spanish is very rusty but I have no doubt that I will pick it right back up and hopefully be fluent in no time. Everyone here so far has been very friendly, it's always fun meeting fellow wanderers.
It's time for me to finish packing my I-can't-believe-I-brought-this-much-stuff-and-I-know-I'll-need-it-but-it's-just-so-giant! backpack, wish me luck. I'll check in again once we experience Lima.
Paz, Amor, y Aventura!
- comments
Mom Wow!!! Wonderful, wonderful... You are so right. All the simple stuff we take for granted you almost have to learn over again and differently....Don't write too much in Spanish or I won't be able to keep up. You are developing a fan base already. Everyone at work wants to follow along so you will get messages from them from time to time. I love you so much and the short blond one too...hahahah Hugs and kisses to you both.
Uncle Davey !! We're with you. Keep up the good work !!!