Hey guys,
Today in Cooking School day!
So I wont bore you with the details but dishes:
Soup (hot and creamy for me)
Starter (spring rolls)
Main (Pad thai)(ofcourse)
Curry paste (Khoa Soy paste)
Curry (Khoa Soy)
Desert (sticky rice and young coconut)
The guy Pot who owns the cooking school, he never teaches during the day but unfortunately for the evening class, someone called in sick and he had to teach our full day course 800baht for a class 8:30am-4pm. Not bad at all 16Pounds.
Me learnt to cook with a wok 'in style' and cut and cook everything from scratch. Only fresh ingredients allowed in Pot's kitchen. Oh and carve fruit and vegetables (i appologise for my crude attempt in photos).
There isnt much else to say about it except that I guess I'm cooking for everyone when i get back (just like i did before i left!) except this time it will only take 5miutes a dish instead!
I hope everyone is okay, off our to the market tonight. Lots of bracelets to be bought!
Ciao for now
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