Thursday- New Year's Day, went to a Roman medieval town about 30 minutes drive away. Ate sugar pizza.
Today we woke up at 10:00- was so tired because of a late night. But anyway, we woke up and then had lunch with this really nice champagne cider drink! So good!
Flo, Aurelle and I then drove to a Roman Medieval town which was about 30 minutes away. Here we wondered the streets, looked at the building from that time, looked inside the buildings, looked at the views from the top of the hill where the town was. After finishing our tour of the town we went to one of the shops there and bought sugar tart, which to me was basically a sugar pizza. I don't care what it's called but it was absolutely amazing! When we got home we warmed pieces up and ate them with hot chocolate.
For the rest of the day we just relaxed and I had a nap because I was so exhausted. Then dinner, shower and bed! I think everyone in the family was very tired after a late night.
Bonne Année!!!
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